File Handling with Arduino

File Handling with Arduino

In this chapter, we will explore the use of the File Handling with Arduino , which are crucial for working with SD card modules. These functions enable file operations like reading, writing, and managing data on an SD card. You will also learn how to properly open and close files to ensure data integrity and prevent corruption. Throughout this chapter, we will provide beginner-friendly examples, troubleshooting tips, and solutions to common issues encountered during file handling.

Syntax Table-File Handling with Arduino

Topic Name Syntax Simple Example
SD.begin() SD.begin(chipSelectPin); SD.begin(4);, mode);“data.txt”, FILE_WRITE);; char c =;
file.write() file.write(data); file.write(“Arduino Data”);
file.close() file.close(); file.close();

SD.begin() – Initialize SD Card Module in Arduino

 SD.begin() is a function used to initialize the SD card module connected to an Arduino. It sets up communication between the Arduino and the SD card, enabling you to read and write data to the card. This function is essential for working with files on an SD card, such as logging sensor data, saving configuration files, or reading large datasets.

Use purpose
The SD.begin() function is used for:

  • Initializing the SD card: It sets up the SD card and checks if it is properly connected and ready for reading or writing.
  • Checking SD card availability: Verifies whether the SD card is accessible and ensures that it is formatted correctly.
  • Starting file operations: Prepares the SD card so that you can read from or write to files stored on the card.

Arduino Syntax use

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • chipSelectPin: The pin number used for Chip Select (CS), which controls which device (the SD card in this case) is active in an SPI communication setup. Typically, this is pin 4 for most SD card modules, but it can vary based on your wiring.

Arduino code Example

#include <SD.h>   // Include the SD library
#include <SPI.h>  // Include the SPI library
const int chipSelect = 4;  // Set the CS pin for the SD card module
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!");  
  Serial.println("SD card initialized successfully."); 
void loop() {
  // Your code to read/write files to the SD card

Code Explanation

  • SD.begin(chipSelect);: Initializes the SD card and prepares it for file operations. The chipSelect pin (pin 4 in this case) is specified as the pin controlling access to the SD card module.
  • if (!SD.begin(chipSelect));: Checks if the initialization was successful. If the SD card fails to initialize, it prints an error message to the serial monitor.
  • Serial.println(“SD card initialized successfully.”);: If the SD card initializes correctly, it prints a success message to the serial monitor.


  • The SD.begin() function returns true if the SD card is successfully initialized and false if it fails. Always check the return value to ensure the card is ready before proceeding with file operations.
  • Ensure that the SD card is properly formatted (typically FAT16 or FAT32) before using it with an Arduino.
  • Most SD card modules use SPI communication, and the chipSelect pin (CS) is essential for controlling which device is active on the SPI bus. The default pin is often 4 for SD card modules, but it might vary depending on the module or shield you are using.
  • Be mindful of the wiring when connecting the SD card module to your Arduino, as incorrect wiring (especially of the chipSelect pin) will cause the initialization to fail. – Open a File on an SD Card in Arduino is a function in the Arduino SD library that is used to open a file on an SD card for reading or writing. It allows you to access files stored on the SD card so that you can read data from them or write data to them. This function is essential when working with file handling operations like data logging, file reading, or writing configurations on an SD card.

Use purpose
The function is used for:

  • Reading data from a file: It opens the file in read mode, allowing you to retrieve data stored on the SD card.
  • Writing data to a file: It opens the file in write mode, enabling you to save data, such as sensor readings or logs, to the SD card.
  • Appending data: It allows appending new data to an existing file without overwriting the content.

Arduino Syntax use, mode);

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • filename: The name of the file you want to open. The filename must be in 8.3 format (8 characters for the name, 3 characters for the extension), e.g., “data.txt”.
  • mode (optional): The mode in which you want to open the file. The default is FILE_READ. The modes are:
    • FILE_READ: Opens the file for reading.
    • FILE_WRITE: Opens the file for writing or appending.

Arduino code Example

#include <SD.h>   // Include the SD library
#include <SPI.h>  // Include the SPI library
const int chipSelect = 4;  // Pin connected to the SD card's CS pin
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!");  
  Serial.println("SD card initialized.");  
  // Open the file for writing
  File dataFile ="data.txt", FILE_WRITE);
  // Check if the file opened successfully
  if (dataFile) {
    dataFile.println("Writing data to file.");  // Write data to the file
    dataFile.close();  // Close the file after writing
    Serial.println("Data written successfully.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error opening file for writing.");
void loop() {
  // No need to repeat the code in the loop

Code Explanation

  •“data.txt”, FILE_WRITE);: Opens or creates the file named “data.txt” for writing. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, new data will be appended.
  • if (dataFile);: Checks if the file was successfully opened. If not, it prints an error message.
  • dataFile.println(“Writing data to file.”);: Writes a line of text to the file.
  • dataFile.close();: Closes the file to ensure data is properly saved to the SD card. Always close the file after reading or writing to avoid corruption.


  • When opening a file in FILE_WRITE mode, if the file already exists, new data will be appended to the file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
  • Always close the file using file.close() after you finish reading or writing to ensure that the data is saved properly and prevent file corruption.
  • The filename used in must follow the 8.3 format (8 characters for the name and 3 characters for the file extension). For example, “log.txt” or “data01.csv” are valid names.
  • If the SD card initialization fails, or the file cannot be opened, it’s a good practice to handle the error using an if statement to notify the user. – Read Data from a File on an SD Card in Arduino is a function in the Arduino SD library used to read data from an open file on an SD card. It reads one byte (a character) at a time from the file and returns it as an integer. The function is typically used to read the contents of a file byte-by-byte or character-by-character.

Use purpose
The function is used for:

  • Reading data from a file: Allows retrieving data stored on the SD card, such as log files, configuration settings, or sensor readings.
  • Processing file contents: Useful for reading and processing text files or binary data stored on the SD card.
  • Looping through a file: When combined with a loop, it can read the entire file one character at a time.

Arduino Syntax use;

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • file: The file object representing the open file you want to read from. This file should be opened in FILE_READ mode.
  • Reads one byte from the file and returns it as an integer. It returns -1 if no more data is available to read.

Arduino code Example

#include <SD.h>   // Include the SD library
#include <SPI.h>  // Include the SPI library
const int chipSelect = 4;  // Pin connected to the SD card's CS pin
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!");  
  Serial.println("SD card initialized.");  // Print success message if SD card is ready
  // Open the file for reading
  File dataFile ="data.txt", FILE_READ);
  // Check if the file opened successfully
  if (dataFile) {
    Serial.println("Reading data from file:");
      // Read the file until there's no more data
    while (dataFile.available()) {
      char c =;  // Read one byte at a time
      Serial.print(c);           // Print the byte (character) to the serial monitor
    dataFile.close();  // Close the file after reading
    Serial.println("\nData reading complete.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error opening file for reading.");
void loop() {
  // No need to repeat the code in the loop

Code Explanation

  •“data.txt”, FILE_READ);: Opens the file named “data.txt” in read mode, allowing the data stored in the file to be read.
  •;: Reads one byte (character) at a time from the file. The byte is returned as an integer, which can be cast to a character.
  • while (dataFile.available());: Loops through the file as long as there is data available to read.
  • Serial.print(c);: Prints each byte (character) read from the file to the serial monitor.
  • dataFile.close();: Closes the file to free up resources.


  • reads one byte at a time and returns it as an integer. You can convert the integer to a character by using char c = (char);.
  • file.available() checks whether there is more data to read from the file, preventing from returning -1 when the end of the file is reached.
  • Always close the file after you finish reading it using file.close() to avoid memory issues and ensure the SD card file system remains stable.
  • The file must be opened in FILE_READ mode to use

file.write() – Write Data to a File on an SD Card in Arduino

file.write() is a function in the Arduino SD library used to write data to an open file on an SD card. This function allows you to store data in a file on the SD card, such as logging sensor data, writing configurations, or saving text. It writes one byte or a series of bytes to the file and is commonly used in data-logging applications.

Use purpose
The file.write() function is used for:

  • Storing data: Writing data such as sensor readings, logs, or configuration settings to an SD card.
  • Creating data logs: Used in data logging projects to store real-time data from sensors or other inputs.
  • Saving text or binary data: Writing individual characters, strings, or binary data to a file for later retrieval.

Arduino Syntax use

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • file: The file object representing the open file you want to write to. The file should be opened in FILE_WRITE mode.
  • data: The data to write to the file. This can be a single byte, an array of bytes, or a string.

Arduino code Example

#include <SD.h>   // Include the SD library
#include <SPI.h>  // Include the SPI library
const int chipSelect = 4;  // Pin connected to the SD card's CS pin
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!");  
  Serial.println("SD card initialized.");  
  // Open the file for writing
  File dataFile ="data.txt", FILE_WRITE);
  // Check if the file opened successfully
  if (dataFile) {
    dataFile.write("Arduino Data Logging\n");  // Write a string to the file
    dataFile.write(65);  // Write a single character (ASCII value for 'A')
    dataFile.close();    // Close the file after writing
    Serial.println("Data written successfully.");
  } else {
   Serial.println("Error opening file for writing.");
void loop() {
  // No need to repeat the code in the loop

Code Explanation

  •“data.txt”, FILE_WRITE);: Opens the file named “data.txt” in write mode. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
  • dataFile.write(“Arduino Data Logging\n”);: Writes a string to the file, including a newline character.
  • dataFile.write(65);: Writes a single byte to the file (the ASCII value for the letter ‘A’).
  • dataFile.close();: Closes the file after writing to ensure the data is saved properly.


  • file.write() can be used to write a single byte, a string, or an array of bytes to a file on the SD card.
  • Always close the file after writing by using file.close() to ensure that the data is written properly and to avoid corrupting the file.
  • If the file does not already exist when you open it with FILE_WRITE, it will be created. If the file does exist, new data will be appended to the end of the file.
  • If you need to write more than one line or piece of data, use file.write() or file.print() in a loop to continuously write to the file.

file.close() – Close a File on an SD Card in Arduino

 file.close() is a function in the Arduino SD library that closes an open file on an SD card. This function ensures that any data written to the file is properly saved and that the file is no longer available for reading or writing. Failing to close a file properly may lead to data corruption or incomplete writes, making file.close() an essential part of file handling.

Use purpose
The file.close() function is used for:

  • Saving data: Ensuring that all data written to the file is properly saved to the SD card.
  • Freeing resources: After closing the file, the file handle is released, which allows other files to be opened.
  • Avoiding corruption: Helps avoid data corruption by ensuring the file is closed after reading or writing.

Arduino Syntax use

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • file: The file object representing the open file you want to close.

Arduino code Example

#include <SD.h>   // Include the SD library
#include <SPI.h>  // Include the SPI library
const int chipSelect = 4;  // Pin connected to the SD card's CS pin
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!");  
  Serial.println("SD card initialized.");  
  // Open the file for writing
  File dataFile ="data.txt", FILE_WRITE);
  // Check if the file opened successfully
  if (dataFile) {
    dataFile.println("This is a line of text.");  // Write data to the file
    dataFile.close();  // Close the file after writing
    Serial.println("Data written and file closed.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error opening file for writing.");
void loop() {
  // No need to repeat the code in the loop

Code Explanation

  •“data.txt”, FILE_WRITE);: Opens the file “data.txt” in write mode. If the file doesn’t exist, it is created.
  • dataFile.println(“This is a line of text.”);: Writes a line of text to the file.
  • dataFile.close();: Closes the file to ensure that the written data is saved correctly. This is essential for preventing data corruption.
  • Serial.println(“Data written and file closed.”);: Notifies the user that the data has been written and the file has been successfully closed.


  • Always call file.close() after completing file operations (reading or writing) to ensure data integrity.
  • file.close() saves any changes to the file and releases the file handle, making it available for other operations.
  • If you do not close the file, data written to the SD card may not be saved correctly, leading to corruption or loss of data.
  • The file.close() function should be called even if an error occurs while writing to ensure the file system remains stable.

Common Problems and Solutions

  1. Problem: SD card initialization fails.
    Solution: Ensure that the wiring is correct, especially the chipSelectPin. For most SD modules, pin 4 is used, but it may vary depending on your board. Also, verify that the SD card is properly formatted (FAT16 or FAT32).
  2. Problem: Unable to open a file on the SD card.
    Solution: Check the filename format. The filename must be in 8.3 format (e.g., “data.txt”). Additionally, ensure that the SD card was successfully initialized using SD.begin().
  3. Problem: Data is not saved correctly after writing to the SD card.
    Solution: Always close the file using file.close() after writing to it. Failure to close the file may result in incomplete writes and data corruption.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we covered how to initialize an SD card using SD.begin(), open files for reading and writing using, and manage file operations such as reading, writing, and closing files using, file.write(), and file.close(). Proper file handling ensures data integrity and prevents corruption, which is critical when working with data logging or configuration files on an SD card.


  1. What does SD.begin() do in Arduino?
    • SD.begin() initializes the SD card and prepares it for file operations like reading or writing.
  2. How do I open a file on an SD card with Arduino?
    • Use, mode); to open a file in read or write mode. The filename must follow the 8.3 format.
  3. What happens if I forget to close a file with file.close()?
    • If you don’t close a file, data might not be saved correctly, leading to incomplete writes and possible file corruption.

Simple MCQ Questions and Answers

  1. What is the purpose of SD.begin() in Arduino?
    • a) To open a file
    • b) To initialize the SD card
    • c) To close the SD card
    • Answer: b) To initialize the SD card
  2. What format should the filename be in when using
    • a) 8.3 format
    • b) Full format
    • c) Hexadecimal format

Answer: a) 8.3 format