Variables in MicroPython

Variables in MicroPython

Variables in MicroPython are essential for storing data that your program can use. They allow you to store values like sensor readings, calculations, and configurations. When working with ESP32 and ESP8266 boards, understanding how to declare and manage variables efficiently can make your code more memory-efficient and effective. This guide will cover different types of variables such as constant, global, local, and static, as well as how to manage variable scope.

What are Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266?

In MicroPython, variables are named storage spaces that hold data. This data can change during the execution of your program, allowing you to perform calculations, track states, or store sensor values. Variables in MicroPython can store different data types such as integers, floats, strings, lists, and more.

Syntax Table for Variables in MicroPython

Topic Syntax Simple Example
Declaring a Variable x = value x = 10
Constant Variable CONST = value PI = 3.14
Global Variable Use global keyword global x
Local Variable Declared inside a function def my_function(): x = 5
Static Variable Declared with @staticmethod Used inside a class method
Variable Scope Refers to the region where a variable is accessible Global vs Local variables

Declaring and Initializing Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is Declaring and Initializing a Variable?
In MicroPython, a variable is declared when you create it and initialized when you assign a value to it.

Use purpose:
Declaring and initializing variables is the first step to using data in your programs. You can store numbers, text, or other types of information in variables.

Micropython Syntax use:

x = 10
name = "ESP32"

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
The variable x is declared and initialized with the integer value 10, while name is initialized with the string “ESP32”. These variables can now be used throughout the program.

Micropython Code Example:

x = 25
name = "ESP8266"
print(x, name)


  • MicroPython variables do not need to be explicitly declared before they are used. You can assign a value directly.


  • Be careful when reassigning variables, as it can lead to unexpected results if done incorrectly.

Constant Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is a Constant Variable?
A constant variable is a variable whose value should not change throughout the execution of the program. In MicroPython, constants are typically declared using uppercase letters to differentiate them from regular variables.

Use purpose:
Constants are used for values that do not change, such as mathematical constants (PI = 3.14), hardware-specific settings, or configuration values.

Micropython Syntax use:

PI = 3.14

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
The variable PI is declared as a constant and initialized with the value 3.14. This value should not be changed in the program.

Micropython Code Example:

print("Gravitational constant is:", GRAVITY)


  • While MicroPython doesn’t have a built-in way to enforce constant variables, using all uppercase letters for constants is a good practice.


  • Be careful not to accidentally reassign constant variables, as this may cause logical errors in your program.

Global Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is a Global Variable?
A global variable is a variable that is declared outside of a function and is accessible throughout the entire program, including inside functions.

Use purpose:
Global variables are useful when you need to share data between different functions in your program, such as configuration values or system states.

Micropython Syntax use:

x = 10
def my_function():
    global x
    x = 20

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
The variable x is declared globally. Inside the function my_function(), the global keyword is used to modify the global variable x.

Micropython Code Example:

counter = 0
def increment():
    global counter
    counter += 1
print(counter)  # Output: 1


  • Global variables are accessible from anywhere in the program, but overusing them can make the program harder to debug.


  • Be cautious with global variables, as they can lead to unintended side effects if multiple functions modify them without proper control.

Local Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is a Local Variable?
A local variable is a variable that is declared inside a function and only accessible within that function. Once the function execution is finished, the local variable is destroyed.

Use purpose:
Local variables are used to store temporary data that only needs to exist within the scope of a function.

Micropython Syntax use:

def my_function():
    x = 5

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
In this example, x is a local variable declared inside my_function(). It is only accessible inside the function and does not exist outside of it.

Micropython Code Example:

def calculate_square():
    number = 4
    square = number ** 2
    return square
result = calculate_square()


  • Local variables help reduce conflicts between different parts of the program by isolating the variable’s scope to a single function.


  • Local variables cannot be accessed outside the function in which they are declared.

Static Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is a Static Variable?
A static variable retains its value between function calls. In MicroPython, static variables are often used in class methods where the value needs to persist.

Use purpose:
Static variables are ideal for scenarios where you need to keep track of a value across multiple function calls, such as counters or state variables.

Micropython Syntax use:

class Example:
    def my_static_method():
        Example.counter += 1

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
In this example, counter is a static variable that retains its value between function calls in the class Example.

Micropython Code Example:

class Counter:
    value = 0
    def increment():
       Counter.value += 1
print(Counter.value)  # Output: 1


  • Static variables are declared inside classes and can be accessed using the class name.


  • Be cautious when using static variables across multiple methods, as changes to the static variable affect all methods that use it.

Variable Scope in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

What is Variable Scope?
The scope of a variable refers to the part of the program where the variable is accessible. Variables can have global or local scope, depending on where they are declared.

Use purpose:
Understanding variable scope is important for controlling where and how variables are used in your program, ensuring that you don’t accidentally modify variables in places you don’t intend.

Micropython Syntax use:

x = 10  # Global scope
def my_function():
    y = 5  # Local scope

Micropython Syntax Explanation:
The variable x has global scope, meaning it is accessible anywhere in the program. The variable y has local scope, meaning it is only accessible inside my_function().

Micropython Code Example:

x = 10
def my_function():
    y = 5
    return y + x  # y is local, x is global
print(my_function())  # Output: 15


  • Variables with global scope can be accessed from anywhere in the program, while variables with local scope are limited to the function they are declared in.


  • Be careful when using variables with overlapping scopes to avoid accidental modification of important data.

Common Problems and Solutions

  1. Variable Reassignment Issues
    • Problem: Variables being unintentionally overwritten in different parts of the code. This often occurs when using global variables across multiple functions.
    • Solution: Use clear and descriptive variable names to avoid conflicts. Minimize the use of global variables and consider using local variables within functions to isolate their scope. If global variables are necessary, use the global keyword carefully to avoid unwanted modifications.


x = 10
def modify_x():
    global x
    x = 20
print(x)  # Output: 20
  1. Scope Confusion
    • Problem: Accessing a variable from the wrong scope, such as trying to use a local variable outside its function.
    • Solution: Ensure that you understand the difference between local and global variables. Variables declared inside functions are local and cannot be accessed outside those functions unless passed as a return value or declared as global.


def my_function():
    local_var = 5
    return local_var
print(my_function())  # Output: 5
print(local_var)  # Error: local_var is not defined outside the function
  1. Overusing Global Variables
    • Problem: Overusing global variables can make your code difficult to debug and maintain, as global variables can be modified by any part of the program.
    • Solution: Use local variables as much as possible. Global variables should only be used when absolutely necessary, such as for maintaining system-wide states or configurations.


count = 0
def increment_count():
    global count
    count += 1
print(count)  # Output: 1


Q: Can I declare a variable without initializing it in MicroPython?
A: No, in MicroPython, you must initialize a variable with a value when declaring it. Unlike some other programming languages, you cannot declare a variable without assigning a value.

Q: How do I use global variables inside a function in MicroPython?
A: Use the global keyword inside a function to modify a global variable. Without the global keyword, any variable inside a function is considered local.

Q: What is the difference between local and global variables in MicroPython?
A: A local variable is only accessible within the function where it is declared, while a global variable is accessible throughout the entire program.

Q: Can I change a constant variable in MicroPython?
A: While MicroPython does not enforce true constants, it is a good practice to treat variables written in uppercase as constants. By convention, you should avoid changing their values.

Q: What happens if I use the same variable name in different functions?
A: If you use the same variable name inside different functions, they are treated as separate local variables unless they are declared as global variables. Local variables in one function do not affect variables with the same name in other functions.


Variables in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266 are fundamental for storing and managing data in your program. From basic variable declaration to managing constant, global, and local variables, understanding how to work with variables efficiently ensures that your program is easy to read, maintain, and debug. Proper use of variable scope, such as limiting the use of global variables and favoring local variables, helps avoid unintended side effects and memory issues.

  • Declaring and initializing variables is straightforward in MicroPython, and constants are typically written in uppercase for clarity.
  • Global and local variables have distinct scopes, with global variables being accessible throughout the program and local variables limited to functions.
  • Understanding variable scope is crucial for managing data effectively and avoiding scope-related errors.

Common problems such as variable reassignment or scope confusion can be solved by careful planning and coding practices.