TypeScript Optional Parameters

This chapter dives into optional parameters in TypeScript, a feature that enhances flexibility in function definitions. By allowing parameters to be omitted during function calls, optional parameters simplify code and reduce boilerplate while maintaining type safety.

Chapter Goal

  • To understand what optional parameters are and their purpose in TypeScript.
  • To learn how to define and use optional parameters effectively.
  • To explore practical applications of optional parameters in real-world scenarios.

Key Characteristics for TypeScript Optional Parameters

  • Flexibility: Allows certain parameters to be omitted in function calls.
  • Type Safety: Ensures that omitted parameters are explicitly marked as optional.
  • Default Handling: Encourages proper handling of undefined values.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies function calls by reducing the need for additional arguments.
  • Readable Syntax: Uses the ? modifier for clear and concise parameter definitions.

Basic Rules for TypeScript Optional Parameters

  1. Use the ? modifier to mark parameters as optional.
  2. Always place optional parameters after required ones.
  3. Provide default values or nullish coalescing for handling undefined arguments.
  4. Avoid overusing optional parameters, as they can make function behavior unclear.
  5. Use optional parameters judiciously for functions with varying input requirements.

Best Practices

  1. Document the expected behavior when optional parameters are omitted.
  2. Combine optional parameters with default values for predictable behavior.
  3. Use optional parameters in functions where some arguments are not always needed.
  4. Regularly review function definitions to ensure optional parameters are necessary.
  5. Avoid mixing too many optional and required parameters to maintain readability.

Syntax Table

Serial No Component Syntax Example Description
1 Basic Optional Parameter function greet(name?: string): void {} Allows name to be omitted in the function call.
2 Optional with Default function increment(value: number = 1): number {} Provides a default value if the parameter is omitted.
3 Multiple Optional Params function log(message?: string, level?: string): void {} Supports multiple optional parameters.
4 Handling Undefined function show(name?: string) { console.log(name ?? ‘Guest’); } Uses nullish coalescing for undefined parameters.

Syntax Explanation

1. Basic Optional Parameter

What is a Basic Optional Parameter

A parameter that can be omitted when calling the function.


function greet(name?: string): void {

  console.log(`Hello, ${name ?? ‘Guest’}!`);


Detailed Explanation

  • The ? modifier indicates that name is optional.
  • If name is not provided, it is assigned the value undefined.
  • Use nullish coalescing (??) to provide a fallback value.


function welcome(message?: string): void {

  console.log(message ?? ‘Welcome!’);



welcome(); // Output: Welcome!

welcome(‘Hello!’); // Output: Hello!





  • Basic optional parameters simplify function calls by allowing omitted arguments.


  • Ensure the function can handle undefined values properly.

2. Optional with Default Value

What is an Optional Parameter with Default Value

An optional parameter that has a predefined value when omitted.


function increment(value: number = 1): number {

  return value + 1;


Detailed Explanation

  • The = operator sets a default value for the parameter.
  • If the parameter is omitted, it defaults to the provided value.


function greet(name: string = ‘Guest’): void {

  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);



greet(); // Output: Hello, Guest!

greet(‘Alice’); // Output: Hello, Alice!


Hello, Guest!

Hello, Alice!


  • Default values simplify function logic by reducing the need for checks inside the function.


  • Ensure default values make sense in all scenarios where the parameter might be omitted.

3. Multiple Optional Parameters

What are Multiple Optional Parameters

A function that allows more than one optional parameter.


function log(message?: string, level?: string): void {

  console.log(`[${level ?? ‘INFO’}]: ${message ?? ‘No message’}`);


Detailed Explanation

  • Supports flexibility by allowing callers to specify any combination of parameters.
  • Each optional parameter can independently handle its absence.


log(); // Output: [INFO]: No message

log(‘System started’); // Output: [INFO]: System started

log(‘Error occurred’, ‘ERROR’); // Output: [ERROR]: Error occurred


[INFO]: No message

[INFO]: System started

[ERROR]: Error occurred


  • Useful for functions with varying input requirements, like logging or configuration.


  • Avoid creating functions with too many optional parameters, as they can become confusing.

Real-Life Project

Project Name

Dynamic Greeting System

Project Goal

Demonstrates how to use optional parameters to create a flexible greeting system that personalizes messages based on user input.

Code for This Project

function greetUser(name?: string, language?: string): void {

  const greeting = language === 'es' ? 'Hola' : 'Hello';

  console.log(`${greeting}, ${name ?? 'Guest'}!`);


greetUser(); // Output: Hello, Guest!

greetUser('Alice'); // Output: Hello, Alice!

greetUser('Carlos', 'es'); // Output: Hola, Carlos!

Save and Run

  1. Save the code using software like Visual Studio Code or your preferred TypeScript editor. Compile the TypeScript code using tsc dynamicGreeting.ts.
  2. Run the resulting JavaScript file using node dynamicGreeting.js.

Expected Output

Hello, Guest!

Hello, Alice!

Hola, Carlos!


  • Optional parameters allow functions to adapt to varying input scenarios.
  • Combining optional parameters with default values ensures predictable behavior.
  • Real-world applications like greeting systems highlight their versatility.

Key Takeaways

  • Optional parameters make functions more flexible and user-friendly.
  • Always handle undefined values properly to avoid runtime errors.
  • Use default values to provide fallback behavior and simplify code logic.