Toggling with a Push Switch Using Raspberry Pi GPIO

In this project, we will explore toggling with a push switch using Raspberry Pi GPIO. A push switch is a simple, momentary button that completes a circuit when pressed. It’s ideal for controlling devices like LEDs, motors, or other outputs by toggling them on or off. Understanding how to use a push switch with Raspberry Pi will help beginners get familiar with GPIO programming and build more interactive electronics projects.

Purpose of the Project

The goal of this project is to demonstrate how to connect and use a push switch with Raspberry Pi GPIO to toggle an LED (or another device). You will learn to use the GPIO pins to read input from a push switch and then control an output based on the switch’s state, using Python code.

Data Types and Variable Table for Toggling with a Push Switch Using Raspberry Pi GPIO

Variable Type Description
LED_pin int The GPIO pin number connected to the LED
button_pin int The GPIO pin number connected to the push switch
LED_state bool Stores the on/off state of the LED
input_state bool Reads the current state of the push switch
bounce_time int Debounce time to prevent false readings

Syntax Table for Toggling with a Push Switch

Topic Syntax Example
GPIO Setup GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT/IN) GPIO.setup(LED_pin, GPIO.OUT)
Read Input GPIO.input(pin) input_state = GPIO.input(button_pin)
Write Output GPIO.output(pin, state) GPIO.output(LED_pin, LED_state)
Debounce Time GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, edge, callback, bouncetime) GPIO.add_event_detect(button_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=toggle_led, bouncetime=300)

Requirement Components

  • Raspberry Pi (any model)
  • Push button (normally open)
  • LED
  • 330Ω resistor (for LED protection)
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard (optional)
  • Power supply (e.g., 5V adapter or USB power)

Circuit Diagram

Below is a simple circuit diagram where the push switch is connected to a GPIO input pin and the LED to a GPIO output pin.

  • One terminal of the push switch is connected to GPIO 23 (input pin).
  • The other terminal of the switch is connected to ground.
  • The LED is connected to GPIO 18 (output pin) with a 330Ω resistor in series to limit the current.

Circuit Connection Table

Component Raspberry Pi Pin Description
LED GPIO 18 (Pin 12) Controls the LED with an output signal
Push Switch GPIO 23 (Pin 16) Reads input from the button
Ground GND (Pin 6) Ground connection for the circuit
Resistor (330Ω) Between LED & GND Protects LED from excess current


  • Always ensure the correct polarity of the LED. Reversing it can damage the component.
  • Be mindful of not exceeding the current limits of the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, usually up to 16mA per pin, with a maximum total of 50mA across all GPIOs.
  • Ensure proper wiring to avoid short circuits that could damage the Raspberry Pi.

Circuit Analysis

In this circuit, when the push switch is pressed, it creates a LOW-to-HIGH signal at the GPIO pin connected to the switch. This triggers the GPIO.input() function to change the output state of the LED. The Python code checks for the button press, toggles the LED state, and writes the new state using GPIO.output().

Installing Libraries (If Needed)

To interact with the GPIO pins, you will need the RPi.GPIO library. You can install it with:

sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio

Writing the Code Using Python

Here’s the Python code for toggling an LED using a push switch:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time


# Pin Definitions

LED_pin = 18      # GPIO pin for the LED

button_pin = 23   # GPIO pin for the push button


# Setup GPIO mode


GPIO.setup(LED_pin, GPIO.OUT)

GPIO.setup(button_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)


# Initial state

LED_state = False

bounce_time = 200  # Debounce time in milliseconds


# Function to toggle LED state

def toggle_led(channel):

    global LED_state

    LED_state = not LED_state

    GPIO.output(LED_pin, LED_state)


# Set up event detection for button press with debounce

GPIO.add_event_detect(button_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=toggle_led, bouncetime=bounce_time)



    while True:

        time.sleep(0.1)  # Main program loop




Explanation of the Code

  • GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM): Sets the pin numbering to the BCM scheme.
  • GPIO.setup(): Configures the LED_pin as an output and the button_pin as an input.
  • GPIO.add_event_detect(): Adds an event detection mechanism for the button press, with a debounce time to avoid multiple triggers from one press.
  • toggle_led(): The function that toggles the LED_state between True and False each time the button is pressed.

Running the Code and Checking the Output

  1. Save the Python code as

Run the script:

  1. Press the push switch to toggle the LED on and off.

Expanding the Project

  • You could expand this project by adding multiple LEDs or devices controlled by different buttons.
  • You can introduce more sophisticated control systems by adding relays, motors, or sensors.
  • Integrate a graphical user interface (GUI) to control the toggling remotely.

Common Problems and Solutions

  • The LED doesn’t turn on/off: Double-check the GPIO pin configuration in the code and ensure that the wiring is correct.
  • The button press isn’t detected: Make sure the pull-down resistor is connected properly, or try a software-based debounce if the button gives inconsistent results.


Q: Can I use this method to control other devices?
A: Yes, you can control relays, motors, and other devices in the same way, as long as you adapt the circuit to handle the required current and voltage.

Q: Why is the debounce time important?
A: Debouncing ensures that the push switch’s electrical noise doesn’t cause the code to register multiple presses from a single button push.

Q: Can I use other libraries for GPIO handling?
A: Yes, there are alternatives such as the gpiozero library, which provides a simpler API for GPIO programming.


This project illustrates how to implement toggling with a push switch using Raspberry Pi GPIO. It’s a simple yet powerful starting point for building interactive electronics with your Raspberry Pi. By using Python and a few basic components, you can learn how to control devices and expand the project further into more complex systems.