This chapter explores swift-structures , a foundational concept for creating custom data types. Structures, or structs, provide a way to group related properties and methods, enabling developers to model real-world entities efficiently. Unlike classes, structures are value types, making them lightweight and ideal for certain use cases.
Chapter Goals
- Understand what structures are and their role in Swift programming.
- Learn how to define and use structures.
- Explore advanced features like initializers, computed properties, and methods.
- Implement real-world examples using structures.
Key Characteristics of Swift Structures
- Value Type: Structures are copied when assigned or passed.
- Encapsulation: Combine properties and methods into a single type.
- Efficient and Lightweight: Ideal for scenarios requiring immutable or localized data.
- Custom Initializers: Automatically generate memberwise initializers.
- Protocol Conformance: Structures can adopt and conform to protocols.
Basic Rules for Structures
- Use the struct keyword to define a structure.
- Structures can contain properties, methods, and initializers.
- Support immutability when declared with let.
- Use structures for data that needs copying instead of sharing.
Syntax Table
Serial No | Feature | Syntax/Example | Description |
1 | Structure Declaration | struct StructName { … } | Declares a new structure. |
2 | Property Declaration | var propertyName: Type | Defines a property within a structure. |
3 | Method Declaration | func methodName() { … } | Defines a function within a structure. |
4 | Initializer | init(parameters) { … } | Sets up an instance upon creation. |
5 | Mutating Method | mutating func methodName() { … } | Modifies properties of a structure. |
Syntax Explanation
1. Structure Declaration
What is a Structure Declaration?
A structure declaration defines a custom data type that groups related properties and methods.
struct Person {
var name: String
var age: Int
Detailed Explanation
- Use the struct keyword followed by the structure name.
- Define properties and methods within curly braces ({}).
- Structures are value types, meaning they are copied when passed or assigned.
let person = Person(name: “Alice”, age: 25)
Example Explanation
- Declares a Person structure with two properties.
- Creates an instance of Person and accesses its name property.
2. Property Declaration
What is a Property Declaration?
Properties store values specific to each instance of a structure.
var propertyName: Type
Detailed Explanation
- Properties can be variables (var) or constants (let).
- Store instance-specific data for each structure.
- Can have default values or be set during initialization.
struct Car {
var make: String
var model: String
var year: Int = 2024
let car = Car(make: “Tesla”, model: “Model S”)
print(“\(car.make) \(car.model), \(car.year)”)
Example Explanation
- Declares a Car structure with three properties.
- Uses a default value for year while initializing make and model.
3. Method Declaration
What is a Method Declaration?
Methods define actions or behaviors for a structure.
func methodName() { … }
Detailed Explanation
- Methods are functions defined inside a structure.
- Can access and manipulate the structure’s properties.
- Cannot modify properties unless marked with mutating.
struct Rectangle {
var width: Double
var height: Double
func area() -> Double {
return width * height
let rectangle = Rectangle(width: 10, height: 20)
Example Explanation
- Declares a Rectangle structure with a method to calculate area.
- Computes and prints the area using the area method.
4. Initializer
What is an Initializer?
An initializer sets up a structure’s properties when an instance is created.
init(parameters) { … }
Detailed Explanation
- Use init to define custom initialization logic.
- Assign values to properties during instantiation.
- Swift automatically provides a memberwise initializer if no custom initializer is defined.
struct Circle {
var radius: Double
init(radius: Double) {
self.radius = radius
func circumference() -> Double {
return 2 * .pi * radius
let circle = Circle(radius: 5)
Example Explanation
- Declares a Circle structure with a custom initializer.
- Computes and prints the circumference.
5. Mutating Method
What is a Mutating Method?
A mutating method modifies the properties of a structure.
mutating func methodName() { … }
Detailed Explanation
- Structures are immutable by default when declared with let.
- Use mutating to allow methods to modify properties.
- Changes made within a mutating method persist across calls.
struct Counter {
var count: Int = 0
mutating func increment() {
count += 1
var counter = Counter()
Example Explanation
- Declares a Counter structure with a mutating increment method.
- Increments the count property and prints the updated value.
Real-Life Project: Expense Tracker
Project Goal
Create an expense tracker to manage financial transactions using structures.
Code for This Project
struct Expense {
var description: String
var amount: Double
func display() {
print("\(description): $\(amount)")
struct ExpenseTracker {
var expenses: [Expense] = []
mutating func addExpense(_ expense: Expense) {
func totalExpenses() -> Double {
return expenses.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.amount }
func displayExpenses() {
for expense in expenses {
var tracker = ExpenseTracker()
tracker.addExpense(Expense(description: "Groceries", amount: 50.0))
tracker.addExpense(Expense(description: "Utilities", amount: 100.0))
print("Total: $\(tracker.totalExpenses())")
- Define an Expense structure with properties for description and amount.
- Create an ExpenseTracker structure to manage multiple expenses.
- Implement methods to add and display expenses, and calculate the total.
- Test the tracker with sample data.
Save and Run
Steps to Save and Run
- Write the code in your Swift IDE (e.g., Xcode).
- Save the file using Command + S (Mac) or the appropriate save command.
- Click “Run” or press Command + R to execute the program.
- Demonstrates encapsulation and method usage.
- Highlights the use of structures for lightweight data management.
- Provides a practical application for structures in finance tracking.
Best Practices
Why Use Structures?
- Ideal for lightweight and immutable data.
- Promote code clarity and modular design.
- Simplify development with automatic memberwise initializers.
Key Recommendations
- Use let for immutable instances to prevent unintended changes.
- Leverage mutating methods sparingly for controlled modifications.
- Conform to protocols for standardized behavior.
Example of Best Practices
struct User {
var name: String
var age: Int
func greet() {
print(“Hello, \(name), age \(age).”)
let user = User(name: “Alice”, age: 30)
Swift structures provide a powerful yet lightweight way to encapsulate related data and behavior. By leveraging value semantics and built-in features, developers can design efficient and reliable applications.
Key Takeaways
- Structures are value types ideal for localized and immutable data.
- Use methods, properties, and initializers to define behavior and state.
- Mutating methods enable controlled modification of properties when needed.