This chapter explores swift-protocols , a cornerstone of protocol-oriented programming (POP). Protocols define a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that conforming types must implement. They enable flexible and reusable code, making Swift highly adaptable for various programming paradigms.
Chapter Goals
- Understand what protocols are and their role in Swift programming.
- Learn how to define and adopt protocols.
- Explore advanced features like protocol inheritance, associated types, and extensions.
- Implement real-world examples using protocols.
Key Characteristics of Swift Protocols
- Blueprint of Requirements: Define methods, properties, and requirements without implementation.
- Conformance: Types adopt protocols by implementing their requirements.
- Protocol Inheritance: Protocols can inherit from other protocols.
- Extensions: Add default implementations and functionality to protocols.
- Associated Types: Provide type placeholders for conforming types.
Basic Rules for Protocols
- Use the protocol keyword to define a protocol.
- Define methods and properties without implementation.
- Mark conforming types with a : followed by the protocol name.
- Use extensions to provide default implementations or additional functionality.
Syntax Table
Serial No | Feature | Syntax/Example | Description |
1 | Protocol Declaration | protocol ProtocolName { … } | Declares a new protocol with requirements. |
2 | Adopting a Protocol | struct TypeName: ProtocolName { … } | A type conforms to a protocol. |
3 | Protocol with Properties | var propertyName: Type { get set } | Requires conforming types to implement properties. |
4 | Protocol with Methods | func methodName() { … } | Requires conforming types to implement methods. |
5 | Protocol Inheritance | protocol SubProtocol: SuperProtocol { … } | A protocol inherits from another protocol. |
6 | Protocol Extensions | extension ProtocolName { … } | Adds default implementation to a protocol. |
7 | Associated Types | associatedtype TypeName | Declares a type placeholder in a protocol. |
Syntax Explanation
1. Protocol Declaration
What is a Protocol Declaration?
A protocol declaration defines a blueprint for methods, properties, and requirements.
protocol Drawable {
func draw()
Detailed Explanation
- Use the protocol keyword followed by the protocol name.
- Define methods and properties without implementation.
- Protocols act as contracts for conforming types.
protocol Describable {
func describe() -> String
Example Explanation
- Declares a Describable protocol requiring a describe method.
2. Adopting a Protocol
What is Adopting a Protocol?
Types conform to a protocol by implementing its requirements.
struct Circle: Drawable {
func draw() {
print(“Drawing a circle”)
Detailed Explanation
- Use : to specify protocol conformance.
- Implement all required methods and properties.
- A type can conform to multiple protocols by separating them with commas.
struct Square: Drawable {
func draw() {
print(“Drawing a square”)
let shape: Drawable = Square()
Example Explanation
- Implements the Drawable protocol in the Square struct.
- Invokes the draw method defined in the protocol.
3. Protocol with Properties
What is a Protocol with Properties?
Protocols can define properties that conforming types must implement.
protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get }
Detailed Explanation
- Define properties with get or get set to specify read-only or read-write requirements.
- Conforming types must implement these properties.
struct User: Identifiable {
var id: String
let user = User(id: “12345”)
Example Explanation
- Declares an Identifiable protocol with a read-only id property.
- Implements the protocol in the User struct.
4. Protocol with Methods
What is a Protocol with Methods?
Protocols can define method requirements for conforming types.
protocol Greetable {
func greet()
Detailed Explanation
- Define methods without implementation.
- Conforming types must provide implementations for these methods.
struct Robot: Greetable {
func greet() {
print(“Hello, I am a robot.”)
let bot = Robot()
Example Explanation
- Implements the Greetable protocol in the Robot struct.
- Calls the greet method on an instance of Robot.
5. Protocol Inheritance
What is Protocol Inheritance?
A protocol can inherit requirements from another protocol.
protocol Movable {
func move()
protocol Flyable: Movable {
func fly()
Detailed Explanation
- Use : to inherit from one or more protocols.
- The inheriting protocol includes all requirements of its parent protocols.
struct Airplane: Flyable {
func move() {
print(“The airplane moves on the runway.”)
func fly() {
print(“The airplane is flying.”)
Example Explanation
- Implements the Flyable protocol in the Airplane struct.
- Provides implementations for both move and fly methods.
6. Protocol Extensions
What are Protocol Extensions?
Protocol extensions add default implementations for protocol methods.
extension Greetable {
func greet() {
print(“Hello from default implementation!”)
Detailed Explanation
- Use extension to add methods or computed properties to a protocol.
- Conforming types inherit the default implementation unless overridden.
struct Human: Greetable {}
let person = Human()
Example Explanation
- Provides a default implementation of greet in a Greetable extension.
- The Human struct inherits and uses this implementation.
7. Associated Types
What are Associated Types?
Associated types define placeholders for types used in protocol requirements.
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
func add(_ item: Item)
func count() -> Int
Detailed Explanation
- Use associatedtype to declare a placeholder type.
- Conforming types specify the actual type when implementing the protocol.
struct IntContainer: Container {
typealias Item = Int
private var items: [Int] = []
func add(_ item: Int) {
func count() -> Int {
return items.count
Example Explanation
- Implements the Container protocol in IntContainer with Int as the associated type.
- Defines methods to add items and count them.
Real-Life Project: Payment Processing System
Project Goal
Create a payment processing system using protocols to handle different payment methods.
Code for This Project
protocol PaymentMethod {
func processPayment(amount: Double)
struct CreditCard: PaymentMethod {
func processPayment(amount: Double) {
print("Processing credit card payment of $\(amount)")
struct PayPal: PaymentMethod {
func processPayment(amount: Double) {
print("Processing PayPal payment of $\(amount)")
func makePayment(using method: PaymentMethod, amount: Double) {
method.processPayment(amount: amount)
let card = CreditCard()
makePayment(using: card, amount: 100.0)
let paypal = PayPal()
makePayment(using: paypal, amount: 200.0)
- Define a PaymentMethod protocol with a processPayment method.
- Implement the protocol in CreditCard and PayPal types.
- Create a makePayment function to process payments using the protocol.
Save and Run
Steps to Save and Run
- Write the code in your Swift IDE (e.g., Xcode).
- Save the file using Command + S (Mac) or the appropriate save command.
- Click “Run” or press Command + R to execute the program.
- Demonstrates protocol-oriented design.
- Simplifies adding new payment methods.
- Highlights polymorphism through protocol conformance.
Best Practices
Why Use Protocols?
- Enable flexible and reusable code.
- Promote polymorphism and abstraction.
- Encourage composition over inheritance.
Key Recommendations
- Use protocols to define shared behavior across unrelated types.
- Leverage protocol extensions for default implementations.
- Adopt associated types for generic and adaptable requirements.
Example of Best Practices
protocol Resettable {
func reset()
extension Resettable {
func reset() {
print(“Default reset behavior”)
struct Timer: Resettable {}
let timer = Timer()
Swift protocols provide a powerful mechanism for abstraction and polymorphism. By combining protocols with extensions and associated types, developers can design flexible, modular, and reusable code.
Key Takeaways
- Protocols define blueprints for shared behavior.
- Use protocol extensions for default implementations.
- Associated types enhance protocol flexibility and adaptability.