Swift Operators – Arithmetic

This chapter introduces swift-operators-arithmetic, which are essential for performing mathematical calculations. These operators are fundamental tools for building logic, solving problems, and handling numeric data in Swift programs. Understanding arithmetic operators ensures efficiency and clarity in Swift programming.

Chapter Goals

  • Comprehend the purpose of arithmetic operators in Swift.
  • Learn to effectively use each arithmetic operator.
  • Explore practical examples of arithmetic operations.
  • Implement arithmetic operators in real-life projects.

Key Characteristics of Swift Arithmetic Operators

  • Basic Mathematical Operations: Includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder.
  • Type-Safe: Ensures operands are of compatible types.
  • Concise Syntax: Facilitates clear and expressive mathematical expressions.
  • Versatile: Supports both integer and floating-point numbers.

Basic Rules for Arithmetic Operators

  • Operands must have the same type unless explicitly converted.
  • Division by zero results in a runtime error.
  • Use parentheses to enforce operation precedence when needed.

Syntax Table

Serial No Operator Syntax Description
1 Addition a + b Adds two values.
2 Subtraction a – b Subtracts the second value from the first.
3 Multiplication a * b Multiplies two values.
4 Division a / b Divides the first value by the second.
5 Remainder a % b Returns the remainder of division.

Syntax Explanation

1. Addition

What is Addition?

Addition calculates the sum of two numbers.


a + b

Detailed Explanation

  • Operands must be of the same type (e.g., integers or doubles).
  • Allows combining constants, variables, or literals.
  • Frequently used in loops, aggregations, or simple calculations.


let a = 10

let b = 5

let sum = a + b

print(“Sum: \(sum)”)

Example Explanation

  • Adds a and b and assigns the result to sum.
  • Prints “Sum: 15” to demonstrate addition.
  • Useful for aggregating values dynamically.

2. Subtraction

What is Subtraction?

Subtraction calculates the difference between two numbers.


a – b

Detailed Explanation

  • Operands must be of the same type.
  • Can produce negative results when the second operand is larger than the first.
  • Widely used in difference calculations, such as measuring time intervals or distance.


let a = 10

let b = 5

let difference = a – b

print(“Difference: \(difference)”)

Example Explanation

  • Subtracts b from a and assigns the result to difference.
  • Prints “Difference: 5” to show subtraction in action.
  • Highlights subtraction’s versatility in numeric comparisons.

3. Multiplication

What is Multiplication?

Multiplication calculates the product of two numbers.


a * b

Detailed Explanation

  • Multiplies two operands of the same type.
  • Useful for scaling, area calculations, or repeated addition.
  • Results in zero if either operand is zero.


let a = 10

let b = 5

let product = a * b

print(“Product: \(product)”)

Example Explanation

  • Multiplies a and b and assigns the result to product.
  • Prints “Product: 50” to demonstrate multiplication.
  • Common in mathematical problem-solving and financial computations.

4. Division

What is Division?

Division calculates the quotient of two numbers.


a / b

Detailed Explanation

  • Divides the first operand by the second.
  • Returns a floating-point result if either operand is a Double.
  • Division by zero results in a runtime error, so guard conditions are necessary.


let a = 10.0

let b = 2.0

let quotient = a / b

print(“Quotient: \(quotient)”)

Example Explanation

  • Divides a by b and assigns the result to quotient.
  • Prints “Quotient: 5.0” to show the division.
  • Essential for calculations involving averages or proportions.

5. Remainder

What is Remainder?

The remainder operator calculates the leftover part of division.


a % b

Detailed Explanation

  • Works exclusively with integers.
  • Commonly used to determine divisibility or alternating patterns.


let a = 10

let b = 3

let remainder = a % b

print(“Remainder: \(remainder)”)

Example Explanation

  • Divides a by b and assigns the remainder to remainder.
  • Prints “Remainder: 1” to illustrate modulus usage.
  • Valuable for algorithms, such as determining even or odd numbers.

Real-Life Project: Simple Calculator

Project Goal

Develop a simple calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations based on user input.

Code for This Project

struct Calculator {

    func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

        return a + b


    func subtract(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

        return a - b


    func multiply(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

        return a * b


    func divide(a: Int, b: Int) -> Double {

        guard b != 0 else {

            print("Error: Division by zero")

            return 0.0


        return Double(a) / Double(b)


    func remainder(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

        return a % b



let calculator = Calculator()

print("Addition: \(calculator.add(a: 10, b: 5))")

print("Subtraction: \(calculator.subtract(a: 10, b: 5))")

print("Multiplication: \(calculator.multiply(a: 10, b: 5))")

print("Division: \(calculator.divide(a: 10, b: 5))")

print("Remainder: \(calculator.remainder(a: 10, b: 5))")


  1. Define a Calculator struct with methods for each arithmetic operator.
  2. Implement methods to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder operations.
  3. Use these methods to calculate and print results based on sample inputs.

Save and Run

Steps to Save and Run

  1. Write the Swift code in your IDE (e.g., Xcode).
  2. Save the file by pressing Command + S (Mac) or the corresponding save shortcut.
  3. Click the “Run” button or press Command + R to execute the program.


  • Ensures code compiles and runs without errors.
  • Provides instant feedback via console output.
  • Validates arithmetic logic interactively.

Best Practices

Why Use Arithmetic Operators?

  • Simplify mathematical operations.
  • Enable efficient handling of numeric data.
  • Enhance clarity in mathematical expressions.

Key Recommendations

  • Use parentheses to enforce operator precedence.
  • Always guard against division by zero.
  • Ensure operand compatibility to prevent type-related errors.
  • Leverage integer and floating-point operators appropriately for use cases.

Example of Best Practices

let total = (10 + 5) * 2

print(“Total: \(total)”)


Arithmetic operators are pivotal for implementing numeric logic and solving computational problems in Swift. Mastery of these operators simplifies code and boosts problem-solving efficiency.

Key Takeaways

  • Arithmetic operators include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder.
  • Operands must be of compatible types to ensure valid operations.
  • Use these operators to express and simplify numeric computations in Swift programs.