Swift Enumerations

This chapter introduces swift-enumerations , a powerful feature for defining a group of related values in a type-safe manner. Enumerations enable developers to work with predefined sets of values and enhance code clarity and robustness.

Chapter Goals

  • Understand what enumerations are and their role in Swift programming.
  • Learn how to define and use enums effectively.
  • Explore advanced features like raw values, associated values, and methods.
  • Implement real-world examples using enumerations.

Key Characteristics of Swift Enumerations

  • Type-Safe: Enums ensure only predefined values are used.
  • Flexible: Support raw values, associated values, and methods.
  • Pattern Matching: Integrate seamlessly with switch statements for elegant control flow.
  • Customizable: Extend enums with methods and computed properties.

Basic Rules for Enumerations

  • Use the enum keyword to define an enumeration.
  • Enum cases represent discrete values and are defined using case.
  • Enums can include raw values or associated values.
  • Use enums with switch for safe and exhaustive case handling.

Syntax Table

Serial No Feature Syntax/Example Description
1 Enum Declaration enum EnumName { case caseName } Declares a new enum with cases.
2 Raw Values enum EnumName: Type { case caseName = value } Assigns raw values to enum cases.
3 Associated Values case caseName(Type) Stores additional data with enum cases.
4 Methods in Enums func methodName() { … } Defines methods within an enum.
5 Using Enums with Switch switch enumValue { case .caseName: … } Handles enum cases using a switch statement.

Syntax Explanation

1. Enum Declaration

What is an Enum Declaration?

An enum declaration defines a custom type with a group of related values.


enum Direction {

    case north

    case south

    case east

    case west



Detailed Explanation

  • Use the enum keyword followed by the enum name.
  • Enum cases are defined using the case keyword.
  • Cases represent all possible values of the enum.
  • Enums are ideal for representing states or categories.


let direction = Direction.north



Example Explanation

  • Declares a Direction enum with four cases.
  • Creates a direction variable set to .north.
  • Prints the current direction.

2. Raw Values

What are Raw Values?

Enums can have raw values, which are constant values of a specific type assigned to each case.


enum Planet: Int {

    case mercury = 1

    case venus

    case earth

    case mars



Detailed Explanation

  • Use : to specify the raw value type (e.g., Int, String).
  • Assign raw values to cases explicitly or let them auto-increment for Int.
  • Access raw values using the rawValue property.


let planet = Planet.earth



Example Explanation

  • Declares a Planet enum with integer raw values.
  • Accesses the raw value of .earth (3).

3. Associated Values

What are Associated Values?

Enums can store additional data alongside each case using associated values.


enum Barcode {

    case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)

    case qrCode(String)



Detailed Explanation

  • Associated values allow enums to store variable data per case.
  • Use parentheses to specify associated value types.
  • Access associated values using switch or pattern matching.


var product = Barcode.upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)

switch product {

case .upc(let numberSystem, let manufacturer, let product, let check):

    print(“UPC: \(numberSystem)-\(manufacturer)-\(product)-\(check)”)

case .qrCode(let code):

    print(“QR Code: \(code)”)



Example Explanation

  • Declares a Barcode enum with associated values.
  • Matches .upc and extracts its associated values in a switch statement.
  • Prints the formatted UPC code.

4. Methods in Enums

What are Methods in Enums?

Enums can have methods to define behavior related to their cases.


enum Direction {

    case north, south, east, west


    func description() -> String {

        switch self {

        case .north: return “Up”

        case .south: return “Down”

        case .east: return “Right”

        case .west: return “Left”





Detailed Explanation

  • Define methods within enums to provide functionality.
  • Use self to refer to the current enum value.
  • Combine methods with switch for case-specific behavior.


let direction = Direction.east



Example Explanation

  • Calls the description method on the .east case.
  • Prints the corresponding description (“Right”).

5. Using Enums with Switch

What is Using Enums with Switch?

The switch statement provides exhaustive handling of enum cases.


switch enumValue {

case .caseName:

    // Code for case



Detailed Explanation

  • Ensures all enum cases are handled explicitly.
  • Supports default cases if not all cases need specific handling.
  • Simplifies control flow by leveraging pattern matching.


enum TrafficLight {

    case red, yellow, green



let light = TrafficLight.red

switch light {

case .red:


case .yellow:


case .green:




Example Explanation

  • Declares a TrafficLight enum with three cases.
  • Prints the corresponding action for the current light.

Real-Life Project: Media Player State

Project Goal

Use an enum to manage the state of a media player.

Code for This Project

enum MediaPlayerState {

    case playing(track: String)

    case paused(track: String)

    case stopped

    func description() -> String {

        switch self {

        case .playing(let track):

            return "Playing \(track)"

        case .paused(let track):

            return "Paused \(track)"

        case .stopped:

            return "Stopped"




let state = MediaPlayerState.playing(track: "Song A")



  1. Define a MediaPlayerState enum with associated values for playing and paused.
  2. Add a method to describe the current state.
  3. Test the enum by creating instances and printing their descriptions.

Save and Run

Steps to Save and Run

  1. Write the code in your Swift IDE (e.g., Xcode).
  2. Save the file using Command + S (Mac) or the appropriate save command.
  3. Click “Run” or press Command + R to execute the program.


  • Demonstrates associated values and methods in enums.
  • Simplifies state management for media player logic.
  • Provides an intuitive and type-safe way to handle states.

Best Practices

Why Use Enums?

  • Represent fixed sets of values clearly and concisely.
  • Ensure type safety and exhaustive case handling.
  • Simplify logic with pattern matching and associated values.

Key Recommendations

  • Use enums for states, categories, and fixed options.
  • Leverage associated values for context-specific data.
  • Add methods to encapsulate behavior related to enum cases.

Example of Best Practices

enum NetworkStatus {

    case connected(speed: Int)

    case disconnected(reason: String)

    case connecting


    func statusMessage() -> String {

        switch self {

        case .connected(let speed):

            return “Connected at \(speed) Mbps”

        case .disconnected(let reason):

            return “Disconnected: \(reason)”

        case .connecting:

            return “Connecting…”





let status = NetworkStatus.connected(speed: 100)




Swift enumerations provide a structured and type-safe way to handle fixed sets of values. With support for raw and associated values, enums offer flexibility and extensibility for managing diverse scenarios.

Key Takeaways

  • Enumerations define a group of related values in a type-safe manner.
  • Use raw values and associated values for added context and flexibility.
  • Combine enums with switch and methods to simplify logic and enhance code clarity.