Swift Classes

This chapter explores swift-classes , a fundamental building block for object-oriented programming. Classes allow developers to create custom types, encapsulate data, and define behavior. By mastering classes, you can design scalable and reusable components in Swift applications.

Chapter Goals

  • Understand what classes are and their role in Swift programming.
  • Learn how to define and instantiate classes.
  • Explore advanced features like inheritance, methods, and initializers.
  • Implement real-world examples using classes.

Key Characteristics of Swift Classes

  • Reference Type: Instances are passed by reference.
  • Encapsulation: Combine properties and methods into a single entity.
  • Inheritance: Enable a class to inherit from another.
  • Custom Initializers: Allow flexible object creation.
  • Deinitializers: Perform cleanup tasks when an object is deallocated.

Basic Rules for Classes

  • Use the class keyword to define a class.
  • Classes can contain properties, methods, and initializers.
  • Use init for initialization and deinit for cleanup.
  • Support inheritance and method overriding.

Syntax Table

Serial No Feature Syntax/Example Description
1 Class Declaration class ClassName { … } Declares a new class.
2 Property Declaration var propertyName: Type Defines a property within a class.
3 Method Declaration func methodName() { … } Defines a function within a class.
4 Initializer init(parameters) { … } Sets up an object upon instantiation.
5 Inheritance class SubClass: SuperClass { … } Creates a class that inherits from another class.

Syntax Explanation

1. Class Declaration

What is a Class Declaration?

A class declaration defines a new type that combines data and behavior.


class Person {

    var name: String

    var age: Int


    init(name: String, age: Int) {

        self.name = name

        self.age = age



    func introduce() {

        print(“Hello, my name is \(name) and I am \(age) years old.”)



Detailed Explanation

  • Use the class keyword followed by the class name.
  • Enclose properties and methods within curly braces ({}).
  • Define an initializer to set up the class properties.
  • Methods define the behavior of the class.


let person = Person(name: “Alice”, age: 30)


Example Explanation

  • Creates a Person object with a name and age.
  • Calls the introduce method to print the person’s details.

2. Property Declaration

What is a Property Declaration?

Properties store values within a class.


var propertyName: Type

Detailed Explanation

  • Properties can be variables (var) or constants (let).
  • Store data specific to each class instance.
  • Can have default values or be set during initialization.


class Car {

    var make: String

    var model: String

    var year: Int = 2024


    init(make: String, model: String) {

        self.make = make

        self.model = model




let car = Car(make: “Tesla”, model: “Model S”)

print(“\(car.make) \(car.model), \(car.year)”)

Example Explanation

  • Declares a Car class with three properties.
  • Initializes the make and model while using a default value for year.

3. Method Declaration

What is a Method Declaration?

Methods define actions or behaviors for a class.


func methodName() { … }

Detailed Explanation

  • Methods are functions defined within a class.
  • Access class properties using self (optional).
  • Can modify instance properties or perform specific tasks.


class Calculator {

    func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

        return a + b




let calculator = Calculator()

print(calculator.add(a: 5, b: 3))

Example Explanation

  • Declares a Calculator class with an add method.
  • Calls the add method to compute and print the sum.

4. Initializer

What is an Initializer?

An initializer sets up an object with initial values.


init(parameters) { … }

Detailed Explanation

  • Use init to define the initialization process.
  • Assign values to properties using self.propertyName.
  • Supports default parameter values and overloading.


class Rectangle {

    var width: Double

    var height: Double


    init(width: Double, height: Double) {

        self.width = width

        self.height = height



    func area() -> Double {

        return width * height




let rectangle = Rectangle(width: 10, height: 20)


Example Explanation

  • Declares a Rectangle class with an initializer for width and height.
  • Computes and prints the area using the area method.

5. Inheritance

What is Inheritance?

Inheritance allows a class to acquire the properties and methods of another class.


class SubClass: SuperClass { … }

Detailed Explanation

  • Use the : symbol to specify the parent class.
  • The subclass inherits all non-private properties and methods of the parent class.
  • Override methods to customize behavior.


class Animal {

    func sound() {

        print(“Some generic animal sound”)




class Dog: Animal {

    override func sound() {





let dog = Dog()


Example Explanation

  • Defines an Animal class with a sound method.
  • Creates a Dog subclass that overrides sound.
  • Prints “Bark” when calling the sound method on a Dog instance.

Real-Life Project: Inventory Management System

Project Goal

Create an inventory management system to track products using classes.

Code for This Project

class Product {

    var name: String

    var price: Double

    var quantity: Int

    init(name: String, price: Double, quantity: Int) {

        self.name = name

        self.price = price

        self.quantity = quantity


    func totalValue() -> Double {

        return price * Double(quantity)



class Inventory {

    var products: [Product] = []

    func addProduct(_ product: Product) {



    func displayInventory() {

        for product in products {

            print("\(product.name): $\(product.price), Quantity: \(product.quantity), Total: $\(product.totalValue())")




let inventory = Inventory()

let product1 = Product(name: "Laptop", price: 999.99, quantity: 5)

let product2 = Product(name: "Phone", price: 499.99, quantity: 10)





  1. Define a Product class with properties for name, price, and quantity.
  2. Create an Inventory class to manage multiple products.
  3. Implement methods to add products and display the inventory.
  4. Test the system with sample products.

Save and Run

Steps to Save and Run

  1. Write the code in your Swift IDE (e.g., Xcode).
  2. Save the file using Command + S (Mac) or the appropriate save command.
  3. Click “Run” or press Command + R to execute the program.


  • Demonstrates object-oriented design.
  • Highlights encapsulation and method usage.
  • Provides a practical application for classes in inventory management.

Best Practices

Why Use Classes?

  • Encapsulate related data and behavior.
  • Promote code reuse through inheritance.
  • Simplify complex systems with modular design.

Key Recommendations

  • Use meaningful names for classes and properties.
  • Limit each class to a single responsibility.
  • Avoid tight coupling between classes; use protocols for flexibility.

Example of Best Practices

class Employee {

    var name: String

    var role: String


    init(name: String, role: String) {

        self.name = name

        self.role = role



    func work() {

        print(“\(name) is working as a \(role).”)




let employee = Employee(name: “John”, role: “Developer”)



Swift classes provide a robust framework for building reusable, scalable, and maintainable code. By leveraging object-oriented principles, developers can create efficient and organized applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Classes encapsulate data and behavior into a single construct.
  • Use initializers to set up objects and methods to define actions.
  • Inheritance enables code reuse and extensibility in Swift.