Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin

When it comes to building projects on your Raspberry Pi, understanding the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin layout is essential. Whether you’re creating simple LED circuits, developing IoT applications, or exploring robotics, these General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins allow you to connect your Raspberry Pi to external devices. This guide will break down how to use GPIO pins in your projects, making it easy for absolute beginners.

What is a Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin?

Focus Keyword: Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin

A Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin refers to the physical pins on the Raspberry Pi board that allow for digital input/output interaction with sensors, motors, LEDs, and other devices. By using these pins, you can control devices and read data in real-time, making your projects more interactive.

Key Features of Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins:

  • Number of GPIO Pins: Most Raspberry Pi models, including Raspberry Pi 4, feature 40 GPIO pins.
  • Multifunctionality: These pins support multiple protocols like I2C, SPI, and UART for various types of communication.
  • Input and Output: You can configure the GPIO pins to either send signals (output) or receive signals (input).

Types of Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin Numbering

When working with the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin setup, you need to understand how to reference pins correctly. There are two common numbering systems:

1. BCM Numbering (Broadcom Chip Numbering)

In BCM numbering, the pins are referred to by their Broadcom chip designation. This method is popular because it directly maps to the Raspberry Pi’s internal architecture.

BCM Numbering Syntax Example:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO


# Set the numbering mode to BCM



# Set up GPIO pin 18 (BCM pin) as an output

GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)


This tells the program to use the BCM pin numbers, and GPIO 18 is set up as an output pin.

2. Board Numbering (Physical Pin Layout)

In Board numbering, the pins are referred to by their physical location on the Raspberry Pi board. This is ideal for beginners who want a more straightforward reference.

Board Numbering Syntax Example:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO


# Set the numbering mode to Board



# Set up physical pin 12 as an output

GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)


In this case, pin 12 refers to the 12th physical pin on the Raspberry Pi header.

How to Set Up Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin in Python

Before using any Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin, you need to install the RPi.GPIO library, which allows you to control the GPIO pins in Python.

Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up GPIO Pins in Python:

Install the RPi.GPIO Library: Run the following command to install the library:
sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio

  1. Use BCM or Board Numbering: Choose between BCM or Board numbering depending on your preference.
  2. Set Pin Direction (Input/Output): Use GPIO.setup() to configure each pin as either input or output.
  3. Control the Pin: Use GPIO.output() to send signals to output pins or GPIO.input() to read data from input pins.

Full Example Code for Setting Up and Controlling GPIO Pins:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time


# Use BCM numbering



# Set up GPIO pin 18 as output

GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)


# Turn on the pin

GPIO.output(18, GPIO.HIGH)



# Turn off the pin

GPIO.output(18, GPIO.LOW)


# Clean up after use



In this example, the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin 18 is configured to control an LED, turning it on and off.

Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin Layout

Understanding the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin layout is crucial for wiring your components correctly. Here’s a quick overview of the GPIO pins, showing both BCM and Board numbers:

Pin Physical Pin BCM Number Function
1 3V3 Power Power (3.3V)
2 5V Power Power (5V)
3 GPIO 2 2 I2C Data
4 5V Power Power (5V)
5 GPIO 3 3 I2C Clock
6 Ground Ground
7 GPIO 4 4 General GPIO
9 Ground Ground
10 GPIO 15 15 UART RXD
11 GPIO 17 17 General GPIO
12 GPIO 18 18 PWM
13 GPIO 27 27 General GPIO
14 Ground Ground
15 GPIO 22 22 General GPIO
16 GPIO 23 23 General GPIO
17 3V3 Power Power (3.3V)
18 GPIO 24 24 General GPIO
19 GPIO 10 10 SPI MOSI
20 Ground Ground
22 GPIO 25 25 General GPIO
23 GPIO 11 11 SPI Clock
24 GPIO 8 8 SPI CE0
25 Ground Ground
26 GPIO 7 7 SPI CE1

Conclusion: Mastering the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin Layout

By mastering the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin layout, you can unlock endless possibilities for your Raspberry Pi projects. Whether you’re controlling LEDs, reading sensor data, or building IoT devices, these pins are the key to interfacing with external components. Understanding both BCM and Board numbering will give you the flexibility to structure your projects with ease, ensuring your Raspberry Pi operates as the central hub for your creations.

FAQ: Common Questions About Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin

  1. What is the difference between BCM and Board numbering?
    • BCM refers to the pin numbers from the Broadcom chip, while Board refers to the physical pin numbers on the Raspberry Pi.
  2. How many GPIO pins are there on Raspberry Pi?
    • There are 40 GPIO pins available on Raspberry Pi models like the Raspberry Pi 4.
  3. Can I use Raspberry Pi GPIO pins for both input and output?
    • Yes, GPIO pins can be configured as either inputs (to receive data) or outputs (to send signals).