Navigating the Filesystem Using a Terminal on Raspberry Pi

When working with Raspberry Pi, mastering the terminal is essential for efficient file and directory management. Learning how to Navigating the Filesystem Using a Terminal on Raspberry Pi . l will allow you to access, organize, and manage your Raspberry Pi’s files with speed and precision. This guide will introduce you to the most important commands for navigating the filesystem, ideal for beginners starting with the Raspberry Pi terminal.

Why Learn to Navigate the Filesystem Using a Terminal?

  • Faster Access: Terminal commands allow you to navigate files and directories quickly without relying on a graphical interface.
  • Efficient Management: You can easily move, copy, and edit files using command-line operations.
  • Automation: Once you are familiar with terminal navigation, you can automate tasks by creating shell scripts.

Key Commands for Navigating the Filesystem on Raspberry Pi

Below are the key commands that will help you navigate the filesystem, manage directories, and interact with files using the terminal.

1. pwd (Print Working Directory)

The pwd command displays the full path of the current directory you are in. It is especially useful when you need to know your exact location within the filesystem.

  • To display the current directory path:

2. ls (List Files and Directories)

The ls command lists the contents of the current directory. This is the most commonly used command to view files and directories.

  • To list the contents of a directory:
  • To display additional information about each file (e.g., permissions, size):
    ls -l
  • To include hidden files (files starting with a dot .):
    ls -a

3. cd (Change Directory)

The cd command allows you to change the current directory to another location in the filesystem.

  • To move into a specific directory:
    cd /home/pi/Documents
  • To return to the home directory:
    cd ~
  • To move up one directory (go to the parent folder):
    cd ..
  • To go back to the previous directory:
    cd –

4. lsblk (List Block Devices)

The lsblk command shows all available storage devices and their mounted partitions, helping you find external drives or USB storage.

  • To list all block devices (e.g., hard drives, USB drives):

5. mkdir (Make Directory)

The mkdir command creates a new directory within the current directory or at a specified path.

  • To create a new directory called “project”:
    mkdir project

6. rmdir (Remove Directory)

The rmdir command removes an empty directory. If the directory contains files, it will not be deleted using rmdir.

  • To remove an empty directory:
    rmdir foldername

7. rm (Remove Files or Directories)

The rm command removes files or directories. This action is permanent, so use it cautiously.

  • To remove a file:
    rm file.txt
  • To remove a directory and its contents:
    rm -r foldername

8. cp (Copy Files and Directories)

The cp command copies files or directories from one location to another.

  • To copy a file:
    cp file.txt /home/pi/Desktop
  • To copy a directory and its contents:
    cp -r /home/pi/oldfolder /home/pi/newfolder

9. mv (Move or Rename Files and Directories)

The mv command is used to move files and directories or rename them.

  • To move a file to a different directory:
    mv file.txt /home/pi/Documents
  • To rename a file:
    mv oldname.txt newname.txt

10. find (Search for Files and Directories)

The find command is a powerful tool for searching files and directories based on various criteria like name, type, or permissions.

  • To find all files with the name “project”:
    find /home/pi -name project

Navigating Between Directories Example

Let’s walk through a simple example of how to navigate the filesystem on Raspberry Pi using the terminal.

  1. Check your current directory with pwd to confirm your starting location:
    • pwd
    • Output: /home/pi
  2. List the files in the current directory:
    • ls
    • Output: Desktop Documents Downloads project.txt
  3. Change to the Documents directory:
    • cd Documents
  4. List the contents of the Documents directory:
    • ls
  5. Go back to the previous directory (your home directory):
    • cd ..
  6. Create a new folder called “myprojects”:
    • mkdir myprojects

Tips for Navigating the Filesystem Efficiently

  • Tab Completion: When typing directory names, use Tab to auto-complete names. This speeds up navigation and reduces typing errors.
  • Up and Down Arrows: Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through your command history, saving you from retyping frequently used commands.
  • Absolute vs. Relative Paths:
    • Absolute Path: Always starts from the root directory / (e.g., /home/pi/Documents).
    • Relative Path: Starts from your current directory (e.g., Documents/ if you’re already in /home/pi).

FAQ: Navigating the Filesystem Using a Terminal on Raspberry Pi

Q: How do I go directly to the root directory?
A: To move to the root directory, use cd /.

Q: How do I view the size of a directory or file?
A: You can use the du -h command to display the size of files and directories in a human-readable format.

Q: What should I do if I get lost in the filesystem?
A: You can always return to your home directory by typing cd ~, and then use pwd to check your current location.


By learning how to navigate the filesystem using a terminal on Raspberry Pi, you’ll gain greater control over your system, improving both efficiency and your ability to manage files and directories. These basic commands form the foundation for more advanced terminal operations, making them essential for all Raspberry Pi users.