Kotlin Sets

This chapter introduces sets in Kotlin, a data structure designed for storing unique elements. Kotlin sets offer both immutable and mutable variants, catering to a range of use cases that prioritize uniqueness and efficient data retrieval.

Chapter Goal

  • To understand the structure and behavior of sets in Kotlin.
  • To learn how to create, access, and manipulate set elements.
  • To explore Kotlin’s set operations and functions.

Key Characteristics of Kotlin Sets

  • Unique Elements: Sets store only distinct elements; duplicates are ignored.
  • Immutable and Mutable Variants: Supports both read-only (Set) and modifiable (MutableSet) sets.
  • Unordered Collection: Elements in a set are not stored in a specific order.
  • Efficient Membership Tests: Optimized for checking the presence of elements.
  • Rich Functionality: Includes operations like union, intersection, and difference.

Basic Rules for Kotlin Sets

  1. Use setOf for immutable sets and mutableSetOf for mutable sets.
  2. Ensure elements are unique to avoid duplicates being ignored.
  3. Use functions like contains to check for element existence.
  4. Leverage set operations for efficient comparisons and transformations.
  5. Handle null values explicitly if the set allows nullable types.

Best Practices

  1. Use sets for collections where uniqueness is a priority.
  2. Prefer immutable sets for data that does not require modification.
  3. Document the purpose of sets in complex data structures.
  4. Test set operations with various scenarios, including edge cases.
  5. Combine functional methods for concise and efficient set manipulations.

Syntax Table

Serial No Component Syntax Example Description
1 Immutable Set val fruits = setOf(“Apple”, “Banana”) Declares a read-only set.
2 Mutable Set val numbers = mutableSetOf(1, 2, 3) Declares a modifiable set.
3 Accessing Elements val exists = fruits.contains(“Apple”) Checks if an element exists in the set.
4 Adding Elements numbers.add(4) Adds an element to a mutable set.
5 Traversing a Set for (fruit in fruits) { println(fruit) } Iterates over set elements.

Syntax Explanation

1. Immutable Set

What is an Immutable Set?

A structured collection in Kotlin designed to hold only unique elements, ensuring no duplicates are stored. Once created, an immutable set cannot be altered, providing a stable and thread-safe data structure.


val fruits = setOf(“Apple”, “Banana”)

Detailed Explanation

  • Declared using the setOf function.
  • Provides a read-only view of the elements.
  • Ignores duplicate values during initialization.


val fruits = setOf(“Apple”, “Banana”, “Apple”)

println(fruits) // Output: [Apple, Banana]


[Apple, Banana]


  • Use immutable sets for static data or configurations.


  • Attempting to modify an immutable set results in a compilation error.

2. Mutable Set

What is a Mutable Set?

A dynamic data structure in Kotlin that ensures uniqueness for all stored elements, allowing modification through addition or removal of items while maintaining element integrity.


val numbers = mutableSetOf(1, 2, 3)

Detailed Explanation

  • Declared using the mutableSetOf function.
  • Supports operations like add, remove, and clear.


val numbers = mutableSetOf(1, 2, 3)


println(numbers) // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


[1, 2, 3, 4]


  • Use mutable sets for dynamic datasets where elements change frequently.


  • Ensure modifications maintain the uniqueness of elements.

3. Accessing Elements

What is Accessing Elements?

The act of determining whether a specific element exists within a Kotlin set, ensuring efficient validation of membership without iteration.


val exists = fruits.contains(“Apple”)

Detailed Explanation

  • Use the contains function or the in keyword to verify element existence.
  • Returns true if the element is present, otherwise false.


val fruits = setOf(“Apple”, “Banana”)

println(fruits.contains(“Apple”)) // Output: true

println(“Banana” in fruits) // Output: true





  • Checking for element existence is efficient in sets.


  • Null values in sets require explicit handling if allowed.

4. Adding Elements

What is Adding Elements?

The operation of adding a new unique element to a mutable set in Kotlin, ensuring the set’s integrity by automatically ignoring duplicates.



Detailed Explanation

  • Use the add method to insert elements.
  • Adding a duplicate element has no effect.


val numbers = mutableSetOf(1, 2, 3)



println(numbers) // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


[1, 2, 3, 4]


  • Adding elements to a mutable set is straightforward and ensures uniqueness.


  • Be mindful of duplicate insertions as they will be ignored.

5. Traversing a Set

What is Traversing a Set?

The process of sequentially accessing each unique element in a Kotlin set, allowing developers to perform actions like filtering, transforming, or aggregating data in an efficient manner.


for (fruit in fruits) {



Detailed Explanation

  • Use for loops for sequential access.
  • Functional methods like forEach offer concise alternatives.


val fruits = setOf(“Apple”, “Banana”)

for (fruit in fruits) {







  • Traversing sets is useful for operations like filtering and transformations.


  • Avoid modifying sets during traversal to prevent errors.

Real-Life Project

Project Name

Event Attendees Tracker

Project Goal

Demonstrates the use of Kotlin sets for managing unique attendees in an event.

Code for This Project

fun main() {

    val attendees = mutableSetOf(“Alice”, “Bob”)

    println(“Initial Attendees: \${attendees}”)


    // Add a new attendee


    println(“Updated Attendees: \${attendees}”)


    // Attempt to add a duplicate attendee


    println(“Final Attendees: \${attendees}”)


Save and Run

  1. Save the code as EventAttendeesTracker.kt in your IDE.
  2. Compile the file using kotlinc EventAttendeesTracker.kt -include-runtime -d EventAttendeesTracker.jar.
  3. Run the program with java -jar EventAttendeesTracker.jar.

Expected Output

Initial Attendees: [Alice, Bob]

Updated Attendees: [Alice, Bob, Charlie]

Final Attendees: [Alice, Bob, Charlie]


  • Sets ensure uniqueness of elements, making them ideal for scenarios like attendee lists.
  • Mutable sets allow dynamic updates while maintaining distinct entries.
  • Functional methods like forEach simplify operations on set elements.

Key Takeaways

  • Kotlin sets are efficient for managing unique collections of data.
  • Use immutable sets for static datasets and mutable sets for dynamic ones.
  • Leverage Kotlin’s set operations for concise and effective transformations.