Read Data from I2C Sensor in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to Read Data from I2C Sensor in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266, using a sensor like the BMP180, which measures temperature and pressure. I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a communication protocol used to connect low-speed peripherals to microcontrollers. This project will focus on I2C initialization and communication to interact with the sensor and retrieve data.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Initialize I2C communication in MicroPython.
  • Read data from a sensor using the I2C protocol.
  • Understand how to work with I2C devices like the BMP180 to gather sensor readings.

Data Types and Variable Table for Reading Data from I2C Sensor in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
I2C i2c Represents the I2C object used to communicate with the sensor.
int temperature Stores the temperature reading retrieved from the sensor.
int pressure Stores the pressure reading retrieved from the BMP180 sensor.

Syntax Table for Reading Data from I2C Sensor in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize I2C i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(scl_pin), sda=Pin(sda_pin)) i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21))
Scan I2C Devices i2c.scan() i2c.scan()
Read Data from Sensor i2c.readfrom_mem(address, register, num_bytes) i2c.readfrom_mem(0x77, 0xF4, 2)

Required Components for Reading Data from I2C Sensor

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • BMP180 temperature and pressure sensor (or similar I2C sensor)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires

Circuit Diagram for Reading Data from I2C Sensor



         |      |

         | VCC  |—--> 3.3V

         | GND  |—--> GND

         | SCL  |—--> GPIO22 (SCL)

         | SDA  |—--> GPIO21 (SDA)



Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
BMP180 VCC Connected to 3.3V 3.3V Powers the sensor.
BMP180 GND Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the sensor.
BMP180 SCL Connected to GPIO22 GPIO22 I2C clock line (SCL) for communication.
BMP180 SDA Connected to GPIO21 GPIO21 I2C data line (SDA) for communication.

I2C Communication Analysis:

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) allows multiple devices (slaves) to communicate with a master device (like the ESP32/ESP8266) over just two lines: SCL (clock) and SDA (data). Each I2C device has a unique address, which the master uses to communicate with it. In this project, we’ll use the I2C protocol to communicate with the BMP180 sensor, read its temperature and pressure data, and display the results.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Reading Data from I2C Sensor:

Here’s a sample code to initialize I2C, read data from a BMP180 sensor, and display the temperature and pressure readings:

import machine

import time

import bmp180


# Initialize I2C on GPIO22 (SCL) and GPIO21 (SDA)

i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(22), sda=machine.Pin(21))


# Initialize BMP180 sensor

sensor = bmp180.BMP180(i2c)

sensor.oversample_sett = 2

sensor.sealevel = 101325  # Adjust to your local sea level pressure


# Function to read temperature and pressure

def read_sensor_data():

    temperature = sensor.temperature  # Read temperature

    pressure = sensor.pressure         # Read pressure

    altitude = sensor.altitude         # Calculate altitude (based on pressure)


    # Print sensor readings

    print(“Temperature: {:.2f} °C”.format(temperature))

    print(“Pressure: {:.2f} Pa”.format(pressure))

    print(“Altitude: {:.2f} meters”.format(altitude))


# Continuously read sensor data every 5 seconds

while True:




Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. Ensure that the BMP180 sensor is correctly wired to the ESP32 or ESP8266.
  3. When the code runs, the temperature, pressure, and calculated altitude will be displayed in the console every 5 seconds.

Explanation of the Code:

  • I2C Initialization: The I2C object is initialized using GPIO22 as the clock (SCL) and GPIO21 as the data line (SDA).
  • BMP180 Sensor Initialization: The BMP180 sensor is initialized, and oversampling is set to improve accuracy.
  • Reading Sensor Data: The sensor.temperature and sensor.pressure methods are used to retrieve the temperature and pressure data, while sensor.altitude calculates the altitude based on the pressure.
  • Loop Function: The code continuously reads the sensor data every 5 seconds and prints it to the console.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Multiple I2C Devices: Add more I2C devices, such as a humidity sensor or an OLED display, to the same I2C bus and retrieve data from multiple sensors.
  2. Data Logging: Store the temperature and pressure data in a file for long-term monitoring and analysis.
  3. Alerts: Implement an alert system that triggers a buzzer or LED when the temperature or pressure crosses certain thresholds.

Common Problems and Solutions for Reading Data from I2C Sensor:

Problem Solution
Sensor not detected by I2C scan Ensure the correct SCL and SDA pins are used and verify the wiring.
Incorrect or no sensor readings Check the I2C address of the sensor and make sure the sensor is powered correctly.
Data reading inconsistent Increase the oversampling setting on the BMP180 for more stable readings.

FAQ for Reading Data from I2C Sensor:

Q: What is the I2C address of the BMP180 sensor?
A: The default I2C address of the BMP180 sensor is 0x77. You can use i2c.scan() to detect the sensor’s address on the I2C bus.

Q: Can I use other sensors with this code?
A: Yes, you can modify the code to work with any I2C sensor by adjusting the initialization and data reading methods specific to that sensor.

Q: How do I handle multiple I2C devices?
A: I2C supports multiple devices on the same bus. You can connect additional sensors to the same SCL and SDA lines and communicate with each device using its unique address.


In this project, you learned how to read data from an I2C sensor in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to initialize I2C and communicate with sensors like the BMP180, you can gather temperature and pressure data for various applications, such as weather stations or environmental monitoring systems.

Read Data from a File in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you will learn how to Read Data from a File in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266 and display it on the console. This is useful for reading previously stored sensor data, configurations, or logs. The project covers the key file operations: file read and close, allowing you to retrieve and manage data efficiently.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Open and read a file in MicroPython.
  • Print file contents to the console for analysis.
  • Understand how to properly read and close files in MicroPython.

Data Types and Variable Table for Reading Data from a File in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
string file_name The name of the file to be read.
object file Represents the file object used to open and read the file.
string data Stores the data read from the file.

Syntax Table for Reading Data from a File in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Open File for Reading file = open(‘file_name’, ‘mode’) file = open(‘sensor_data.txt’, ‘r’)
Read Data from File data = data =
Close File file.close() file.close()

Required Components for Reading Data from a File

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • A file containing data (created in the previous project or manually added)
  • MicroPython installed on your board

Circuit Diagram for Reading Data from a File

This project does not require any external hardware or circuits. All operations are done within the file system of the ESP32/ESP8266.

File Operations Analysis for Reading Data from a File:

In MicroPython, you can open a file using the open() function in read mode (‘r’). Once the file is open, you can use the read() method to retrieve its contents. After reading the file, it’s important to close it using close() to free up resources.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Reading Data from a File:

Here’s an example code that demonstrates how to read data from a file and display it in the console:

# File name to read from

file_name = ‘sensor_data.txt’


def read_data_from_file():


        # Open the file in read mode

        with open(file_name, ‘r’) as file:

            data =  # Read the file content

            print(“File Content:”)

            print(data)  # Print the file content to the console

    except OSError as e:

        print(f”Error reading file: {e}”)


# Call the function to read and display file data



Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. Make sure the file (e.g., sensor_data.txt) already exists on the file system, containing some data.
  3. When the code is executed, it will read the contents of the file and print it to the console.
  4. If the file is not found, an error message will be displayed.

Explanation of the Code:

  • File Open for Reading: The file is opened in read mode (‘r’), which allows you to read its contents.
  • Reading File Content: The method retrieves the entire content of the file and stores it in the data variable.
  • Displaying Data: The data read from the file is printed to the console.
  • File Closing: The with statement automatically handles closing the file after reading, ensuring proper resource management.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Line-by-Line Reading: Modify the code to read the file line by line using the file.readline() method, which is useful for larger files.
  2. Search and Filter: Implement a function to search for specific data within the file, such as timestamps or sensor readings that match certain criteria.
  3. Display in UI: Integrate the file reading functionality into a user interface or display the data on an LCD/OLED screen for easier access.

Common Problems and Solutions for Reading Data from a File:

Problem Solution
File not found Ensure the file exists on the device’s file system. Use Thonny or another IDE to verify its presence.
File data not being printed Check if the file contains valid data. Ensure the file is opened in read mode (‘r’).
File not closing properly Use the with statement to automatically close the file after reading.

FAQ for Reading Data from a File:

Q: What happens if the file doesn’t exist?
A: If the file doesn’t exist, an OSError will be raised. You can handle this error with a try-except block to notify the user or create the file if needed.

Q: How do I read specific lines from a file?
A: Use file.readline() or file.readlines() to read individual lines or the entire file into a list of lines.

Q: Can I append to the file after reading it?
A: To append data to a file, you need to open the file in append mode (‘a’). In this project, the file is opened in read mode (‘r’), which does not allow modifications.


In this project, you learned how to read data from a file in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to open, read, and close files, you can efficiently retrieve and process stored data, such as sensor readings or logs, in embedded systems. This functionality is critical for data logging applications and file-based data management.

Create and Write to a Text File in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to Create and Write to a Text File in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. Writing data to a file is essential for logging sensor readings, storing configuration data, or saving information for future use. This project will cover the key file operations: file open, write, and close to efficiently store sensor data.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to:

  • Create a text file in MicroPython for storing sensor data.
  • Write sensor readings to the text file.
  • Understand how to open, write, and close files in MicroPython to manage data.

Data Types and Variable Table for Creating and Writing to a Text File in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
string file_name The name of the text file to be created and written to.
object file Represents the file object used to open, write, and close the file.
int sensor_data Sample data that simulates a sensor reading to be stored in the file.

Syntax Table for Creating and Writing to a Text File in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Open File file = open(‘file_name’, ‘mode’) file = open(‘sensor_data.txt’, ‘w’)
Write to File file.write(data) file.write(“Sensor data: 25\n”)
Close File file.close() file.close()

Required Components for Creating and Writing to a Text File

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • Sensor (optional, to collect data for logging)
  • MicroPython installed on your board
  • Jumper Wires (if using sensors)

Circuit Diagram for Writing Sensor Data to a File (Optional for Sensor Connection)

If you are using a sensor to log data, connect the sensor to the ESP32 or ESP8266 as needed. Here’s an example using a temperature sensor (like the TMP36) connected to an ADC pin.



          |     |

          | VCC |—--> 3.3V

          | OUT |—--> GPIO34 (ADC Pin)

          | GND |—--> GND



Circuit Connection Table (Optional for Sensor Connection)

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
Sensor VCC Connected to 3.3V 3.3V Powers the sensor.
Sensor OUT Connected to GPIO34 GPIO34 Reads the sensor data through an ADC pin.
Sensor GND Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the sensor.

File Operations Analysis for Creating and Writing to a Text File:

MicroPython provides file handling functions similar to standard Python. You can create or open a file in different modes (‘w’ for write, ‘a’ for append), write data to it, and then close the file when finished. The data written can be sensor readings, configuration settings, or any other data you need to store persistently on the ESP32/ESP8266.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Creating and Writing to a Text File:

Here’s an example code that demonstrates how to create a file and log sensor data into it:

import machine

import time


# Simulated sensor data (replace with actual sensor readings if using a sensor)

def get_sensor_data():

    return 25  # Example static temperature value


# File operations: create, write, and close the file

file_name = ‘sensor_data.txt’


def write_data_to_file(data):

    # Open the file in write mode (overwrites the file if it exists)

    with open(file_name, ‘w’) as file:

        file.write(“Sensor Data Log\n”)

        file.write(f”Temperature: {data} °C\n”)

        file.write(f”Timestamp: {time.time()}\n”)


# Continuously log sensor data every 5 seconds

while True:

    sensor_data = get_sensor_data()  # Simulate reading sensor data

    write_data_to_file(sensor_data)  # Write data to file

    print(f”Logged data: {sensor_data} °C”)

    time.sleep(5)  # Delay between logs


Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The code will create a text file called sensor_data.txt on the ESP32/ESP8266’s file system.
  3. Every 5 seconds, it will write the simulated sensor data (or real data if a sensor is connected) to the file, along with a timestamp.
  4. You can access the file through Thonny’s file manager or any MicroPython-compatible IDE to check the logged data.

Explanation of the Code:

  • File Creation: The file is created using open(file_name, ‘w’). If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. You can switch to ‘a’ mode to append data without overwriting.
  • Writing Data: The file.write() method writes the sensor data and timestamp to the file in a structured format.
  • File Closing: The file is automatically closed using the with statement, ensuring proper resource management.
  • Loop Function: The program continuously logs sensor data at 5-second intervals, simulating periodic data collection.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Append Mode: Modify the file mode to ‘a’ to append data instead of overwriting it, allowing you to log multiple readings over time.
  2. Data Formatting: Enhance the data logging format by adding more details, such as sensor types, units, or more complex structures like JSON.
  3. Sensor Integration: Replace the simulated data with actual readings from connected sensors like temperature, humidity, or light sensors.

Common Problems and Solutions for Creating and Writing to a Text File:

Problem Solution
File not created or written to Ensure that MicroPython has file system access and there is enough space.
Data not being written to the file Check if the correct file mode (‘w’ or ‘a’) is used and verify file permissions.
Overwriting data every time Use ‘a’ mode instead of ‘w’ to append data instead of overwriting it.

FAQ for Creating and Writing to a Text File:

Q: How can I read the data back from the file?
A: Use open(‘file_name’, ‘r’) and to read the contents of the file.

Q: How do I write multiple sensor readings to the same file?
A: Use ‘a’ mode to append data to the file instead of overwriting it. This will allow you to add multiple sensor readings over time.

Q: Can I write to the file while the ESP32/ESP8266 is connected to a sensor?
A: Yes, you can use the same process to log real sensor data into the file. Just replace the simulated data with actual sensor readings.


In this project, you learned how to create and write to a text file in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to open, write, and close files, you can log sensor data, store configuration settings, and manage persistent data efficiently. This project provides a strong foundation for creating data logging applications in embedded systems.

Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC in MicroPython for ESP32

In this project, you will create a Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC in MicroPython for ESP32. By writing specific values to the DAC, you can generate sound waves, which are essentially varying voltages over time. This project introduces the concept of DAC waveform generation, allowing you to output audio signals to a speaker or buzzer.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to:

  • Use the DAC in MicroPython for ESP32 to generate sound signals.
  • Write waveform values to the DAC to generate a simple tone.
  • Understand the basics of generating audio tones using digital-to-analog conversion.

Data Types and Variable Table for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
DAC dac Represents the DAC object for generating audio output.
list waveform Stores the waveform values that generate the tone.
int freq Frequency of the tone generated by writing values to the DAC.

Syntax Table for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize DAC dac = DAC(Pin(pin_number)) dac = DAC(Pin(25))
Write Value to DAC dac.write(value) dac.write(128)
Generate Sine Wave waveform = [int((math.sin(2*math.pi*i/100)*128) + 128) for i in range(100)] Generates a sine wave signal.

Required Components for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC

  • ESP32 board (since ESP8266 does not support DAC)
  • Passive Buzzer or Small Speaker
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard

Circuit Diagram for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC



         |      |

         | DAC  |—--> GPIO25 (DAC Pin)  

         |      |     





Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32 Pin Explanation
Speaker Positive to GPIO25 GPIO25 Outputs the audio signal generated by DAC.
Speaker Negative to GND GND Ground connection for the speaker.


Make sure to use a passive buzzer or speaker with an impedance that is suitable for ESP32, typically 8Ω to 32Ω. Avoid using high-powered audio components directly connected to the ESP32.

Circuit Analysis for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC:

The DAC on the ESP32 converts digital values into analog voltages, which can be output to a speaker. By writing waveform values to the DAC, you can generate a tone. For instance, a sine wave can be generated to produce a smooth tone. The speaker vibrates according to the changing voltage, creating sound waves that we perceive as a tone.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

No additional libraries are required beyond the machine module, which provides built-in DAC functionality in MicroPython.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC:

Here is an example of generating a simple audio tone using DAC in MicroPython:

import machine

import time

import math


# Initialize DAC on GPIO25

dac = machine.DAC(machine.Pin(25))


# Generate a sine wave pattern for smooth audio output

waveform = [int((math.sin(2*math.pi*i/100)*128) + 128) for i in range(100)]


# Function to generate the audio tone

def generate_tone(frequency):

    period = 1 / frequency  # Period of the tone

    delay = period / 100  # Time between waveform steps


    while True:

        for value in waveform:

            dac.write(value)  # Write the waveform value to the DAC

            time.sleep(delay)  # Control the speed of playback for the frequency


# Generate a tone at 440 Hz (A4 note)



Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. Connect the speaker or buzzer to GPIO25 and GND.
  3. The code will generate a tone at 440 Hz, which corresponds to the musical note A4. You should hear the sound from the speaker.

Explanation of the Code:

  • DAC Initialization: The DAC is initialized on GPIO25, which is one of the DAC-capable pins on ESP32.
  • Sine Wave Generation: The waveform list holds 100 values, representing a sine wave. These values range from 0 to 255, which corresponds to the output voltage range of the DAC.
  • Tone Generation: The function generate_tone writes the sine wave values to the DAC in a loop. The delay controls the timing of each value to create a consistent tone at the specified frequency (440 Hz in this case).

Expanding the Project:

  1. Play Multiple Tones: Modify the code to generate different tones or notes by changing the frequency parameter.
  2. Create a Melody: Write a sequence of tones to play simple melodies or sound effects.
  3. Adjust Waveform: Experiment with different waveforms, such as square waves or triangle waves, to generate different sound effects.

Common Problems and Solutions for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC:

Problem Solution
No sound from the speaker Ensure the speaker is properly connected to GPIO25 and GND. Check if the correct DAC pin is used.
Distorted sound Check the waveform and adjust the values for smooth output. Also, ensure the speaker is suitable for low-power signals.
Tone not changing Verify that the frequency value is being correctly passed to the generate_tone function.

FAQ for Simple Audio Tone Generator Using DAC:

Q: Can I use DAC on ESP8266?
A: No, ESP8266 does not have DAC functionality. This project works only with ESP32.

Q: How do I change the tone frequency?
A: Change the frequency value passed to the generate_tone() function. For example, use 880 Hz for a higher-pitched tone.

Q: Can I generate complex audio signals with DAC?
A: Yes, by modifying the waveform and the rate at which you output values to the DAC, you can generate more complex audio signals, including music and sound effects.


In this project, you successfully created a simple audio tone generator using DAC in MicroPython for ESP32. You learned how to write waveform values to the DAC to generate sound signals that can be output through a speaker. This project is a great starting point for experimenting with audio generation, creating melodies, or integrating sound into your embedded systems.

Generate a Voltage Using DAC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to generate an analog voltage using the Generate a Voltage Using DAC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. The DAC allows you to convert digital values into corresponding analog voltages, enabling you to create waveforms or control devices that require analog input. This project will focus on DAC initialization and writing values to the DAC pin to generate specific voltages.

Purpose of the Project:

The goal of this project is to help you:

  • Initialize the DAC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266.
  • Write values to the DAC to generate a desired output voltage.
  • Understand how DAC works to convert digital values into analog signals.

Data Types and Variable Table for Generating a Voltage Using DAC in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
DAC dac Represents the DAC object controlling the analog output pin.
int value Digital value written to the DAC to generate a corresponding voltage.

Syntax Table for Generating a Voltage Using DAC in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize DAC dac = DAC(Pin(pin_number)) dac = DAC(Pin(25))
Write Value to DAC dac.write(value) dac.write(128)

Required Components for Generating a Voltage Using DAC

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board (only ESP32 supports DAC)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Multimeter (optional, for measuring the output voltage)

Circuit Diagram for Generating a Voltage Using DAC



         |      |

         | DAC  |—--> GPIO25 (DAC Pin)

         |      |



Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32 Pin Explanation
DAC Output Connected to GPIO25 GPIO25 Generates an analog voltage output using DAC.


Ensure you are using GPIO25 or GPIO26 on the ESP32, as these are the only pins that support DAC output. The ESP8266 does not have DAC functionality.

Circuit Analysis for Generating a Voltage Using DAC:

The DAC on the ESP32 converts a digital value (ranging from 0 to 255) into a corresponding analog voltage, which can range between 0 and approximately 3.3V (depending on the input power). By writing different values to the DAC, you can generate varying voltage levels on the DAC output pin, which can be used to control analog devices or test circuits.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

No additional libraries are required. MicroPython’s built-in machine module handles DAC initialization and writing values.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Generating a Voltage Using DAC:

Here’s a simple example to initialize the DAC and generate different voltage levels:

import machine

import time


# Initialize DAC on GPIO25

dac = machine.DAC(machine.Pin(25))


# Function to generate voltage by writing values to DAC

def generate_voltage(value):

    dac.write(value)  # Write value (0-255) to generate corresponding voltage


# Gradually increase and decrease voltage

while True:

    # Increase voltage from 0 to maximum

    for value in range(0, 256):




    # Decrease voltage from maximum to 0

    for value in range(255, -1, -1):




Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The code will generate a gradually increasing and decreasing voltage on GPIO25.
  3. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage on the DAC pin. You should see the voltage rise and fall between 0 and 3.3V.

Explanation of the Code:

  • DAC Initialization: The DAC is initialized on GPIO25, which is one of the two pins on the ESP32 that support DAC output.
  • Generating Voltage: The function generate_voltage writes a value (between 0 and 255) to the DAC, converting it into a corresponding analog voltage.
  • Loop Function: The loop gradually increases and decreases the voltage, simulating a waveform that ramps up and down smoothly.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Waveform Generation: Create more complex waveforms like sine waves or square waves by adjusting the pattern of values sent to the DAC.
  2. Audio Signal Generation: Use the DAC to generate simple audio signals or tones that can be output to a speaker.
  3. Analog Control: Connect the DAC output to control devices like motors, LEDs (brightness control), or other analog circuits that respond to varying voltage levels.

Common Problems and Solutions for Generating a Voltage Using DAC:

Problem Solution
No voltage on DAC pin Ensure you are using GPIO25 or GPIO26, which support DAC output on ESP32.
Inconsistent voltage readings Verify the power supply and check for loose connections.
DAC value not changing Double-check that the value written to the DAC is within the valid range (0-255).

FAQ for Generating a Voltage Using DAC:

Q: Can I use DAC on ESP8266?
A: No, the ESP8266 does not have DAC functionality. The DAC is available only on ESP32.

Q: How do I change the voltage range of the DAC?
A: The DAC output range is fixed between 0 and approximately 3.3V. However, you can scale the output using external circuitry like voltage dividers or amplifiers.

Q: Can I use the DAC to control devices that require specific voltage inputs?
A: Yes, DAC is ideal for controlling devices that respond to analog voltages, such as certain types of motors, LEDs (brightness control), and other analog components.


In this project, you learned how to generate a voltage using the DAC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to initialize the DAC and write values to it, you can control the output voltage and use it to interact with various analog devices or create waveforms. This project provides a solid foundation for experimenting with analog outputs in your embedded systems projects.

Light Level Monitor Using ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to monitor light levels using an Light Level Monitor Using ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. The LDR is an analog sensor that changes its resistance based on the surrounding light intensity. By connecting it to an ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) pin, we can read the voltage across the LDR and determine the ambient light level. This project introduces key concepts like ADC initialization, reading analog values, and interpreting those values to monitor environmental changes.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Initialize and use the ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266.
  • Monitor light levels by reading the ADC values from an LDR sensor.
  • Convert analog sensor data into useful digital values for real-time monitoring.
  • Build a foundation for environmental monitoring using analog sensors.

Data Types and Variable Table for Light Level Monitor Using ADC in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
ADC adc Represents the ADC object reading the light intensity from the LDR.
int light_value Stores the raw ADC value from the LDR, representing the light intensity.
float voltage Represents the voltage calculated from the ADC value, related to light level.

Syntax Table for Light Level Monitor Using ADC in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize ADC adc = ADC(Pin(pin_number)) adc = ADC(Pin(34))
Read ADC Value light_value =
Convert ADC to Voltage voltage = ( * reference_voltage) / 4095 voltage = ( * 3.3) / 4095

Required Components for Light Level Monitor Using ADC

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 Board: Microcontroller that supports ADC and runs MicroPython code.
  • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor): Analog sensor that changes its resistance based on light intensity.
  • 10kΩ Resistor: Forms part of the voltage divider circuit with the LDR to ensure proper analog readings.
  • Breadboard: For easy prototyping and connecting components.
  • Jumper Wires: To connect the components on the breadboard.

Circuit Diagram for Light Level Monitor Using ADC



          |—|—--> VCC (3.3V)  

          |   |     

          |—|—--> GPIO34 (ADC Pin)


           10kΩ Resistor




In this circuit, the LDR and the 10kΩ resistor form a voltage divider. The varying resistance of the LDR based on light intensity results in a varying voltage at the ADC pin, which is then read by the ESP32 or ESP8266.

Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
LDR Pin 1 Connected to 3.3V 3.3V Provides power to the LDR.
LDR Pin 2 Connected to GPIO34 GPIO34 (ADC Pin) Measures the analog voltage for light intensity.
10kΩ Resistor Connected to GND GND Completes the voltage divider circuit for proper ADC readings.


  • ADC Pin Selection: Make sure you are using a GPIO pin that supports ADC functionality, such as GPIO34 on ESP32.
  • Use a Resistor: Always connect the LDR in a voltage divider configuration with a resistor to ensure accurate readings. Without the resistor, the ADC may not provide reliable values.

Circuit Analysis for Light Level Monitor Using ADC:

The LDR’s resistance decreases as light intensity increases. When exposed to more light, the voltage across the LDR drops, allowing the ESP32 or ESP8266 to read the voltage difference at the ADC pin. The analog value is then converted to a digital value (ranging from 0 to 4095 for a 12-bit ADC). In bright conditions, the ADC value will be low, and in darkness, the value will be higher. This allows for real-time monitoring of light levels.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

No additional libraries are required. The machine module in MicroPython provides built-in functions to handle ADC readings.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Light Level Monitor Using ADC:

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the code to monitor light levels using an LDR:

import machine

import time


# Initialize ADC on GPIO34

adc = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(34))


# Function to read light level and convert ADC value to voltage

def read_light_level():

    light_value =  # Read raw ADC value (0-4095 for 12-bit resolution)

    voltage = (light_value * 3.3) / 4095  # Convert ADC value to voltage

    return light_value, voltage


# Continuously read and display light level

while True:

    light_value, voltage = read_light_level()

    print(“Light Level (Raw ADC):”, light_value)

    print(“Voltage (V): {:.2f}”.format(voltage))



Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. Observe the output in the console: The raw ADC value (between 0 and 4095) and the corresponding voltage will be displayed every second.
  3. Change the lighting conditions: Cover the LDR with your hand or expose it to a light source and observe how the ADC values and voltage change.

Explanation of the Code:

  • ADC Initialization: The LDR is connected to GPIO34, which is configured as an ADC input to read analog voltage.
  • Read ADC Value: The function read_light_level reads the raw ADC value, which ranges from 0 to 4095, corresponding to the analog voltage at the LDR.
  • Convert to Voltage: The raw ADC value is converted into voltage by multiplying the ADC value by the reference voltage (3.3V) and dividing by the ADC resolution (4095 for 12-bit ADC).
  • Loop Function: The program continuously reads the light level and prints both the raw ADC value and the corresponding voltage every second.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Create Threshold-Based Alerts: Add an LED or buzzer that activates when light levels fall below or rise above a certain threshold (e.g., too bright or too dark).
  2. Data Logging: Store light intensity data over time, allowing you to analyze trends in light levels during different times of day.
  3. User Interface: Display the light levels on an LCD or OLED screen for real-time monitoring in a user-friendly manner.

Common Problems and Solutions for Light Level Monitor Using ADC:

Problem Solution
Inconsistent ADC readings Use a capacitor across the LDR to filter noise or average multiple readings to smooth out fluctuations.
ADC value not changing Ensure the LDR is correctly wired and receiving power. Verify the voltage divider setup.
Wrong GPIO pin used for ADC Double-check that you are using an ADC-capable GPIO pin (e.g., GPIO34 for ESP32).

FAQ for Light Level Monitor Using ADC:

Q: Can I use a different analog sensor with this setup?
A: Yes, any sensor that outputs analog voltage can be used with the ADC, such as temperature or moisture sensors. Modify the voltage-to-data conversion based on the specific sensor.

Q: How do I adjust the sensitivity of the LDR?
A: You can change the value of the resistor in the voltage divider circuit to make the LDR more or less sensitive to light changes.

Q: Can I use a different GPIO pin for the ADC?
A: Yes, as long as the GPIO pin supports ADC. Adjust the Pin() initialization accordingly.


In this project, you successfully learned how to monitor light levels using an LDR connected to an ADC pin in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. You now understand how to read and interpret analog sensor values, convert those values to meaningful data, and apply this knowledge to monitor environmental changes. This project forms the foundation for more advanced environmental monitoring and automation systems.

Temperature Reading with ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn Temperature Reading with ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. We’ll use a temperature sensor, such as the TMP36, to measure the surrounding temperature and display the result. This project introduces concepts like ADC initialization and reading analog values, which are essential for working with analog sensors in embedded systems.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Initialize the ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266.
  • Read analog values from a temperature sensor.
  • Convert the raw ADC values into readable temperature data.

Data Types and Variable Table for Temperature Reading with ADC in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
ADC adc Represents the ADC object reading the sensor data.
int value Stores the raw ADC value from the sensor.
float temperature Stores the calculated temperature in degrees Celsius.

Syntax Table for Temperature Reading with ADC in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize ADC adc = ADC(Pin(pin_number)) adc = ADC(Pin(34))
Read ADC Value value =
Convert to Temperature temperature = (value * factor) – offset temperature = ( * 3.3 / 4095 – 0.5) * 100

Required Components for Temperature Reading with ADC

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • TMP36 temperature sensor (or similar)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard

Circuit Diagram for Temperature Reading with ADC



         |—|—--> VCC (3.3V)  

         |—|—--> GND

         |—|—--> GPIO34 (ADC Pin)


Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
TMP36 VCC Connected to 3.3V 3.3V Powers the temperature sensor.
TMP36 GND Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the sensor.
TMP36 Output Connected to GPIO34 GPIO34 (ADC Pin) Reads the analog voltage from the sensor.


Ensure that you use the correct voltage for your sensor. The TMP36 operates at 3.3V, which is compatible with ESP32 and ESP8266.

Circuit Analysis for Temperature Reading with ADC:

The TMP36 sensor outputs an analog voltage proportional to the ambient temperature. The ADC on the ESP32/ESP8266 converts this voltage into a digital value, which we can use to calculate the temperature. The TMP36 outputs 0.5V at 0°C, with an increase of 10mV per degree Celsius.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

No additional libraries are needed for this project. MicroPython’s built-in machine module handles ADC readings.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Temperature Reading with ADC:

import machine

import time


# Initialize ADC on GPIO34

adc = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(34))


# Function to convert ADC value to temperature

def read_temperature():

    value =  # Read raw ADC value (0-4095 for 12-bit resolution)

    voltage = value * 3.3 / 4095  # Convert ADC value to voltage

    temperature = (voltage – 0.5) * 100  # Convert voltage to temperature (Celsius)

    return temperature


# Continuously read and display temperature

while True:

    temp = read_temperature()

    print(“Temperature: {:.2f} °C”.format(temp))



Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The code will read the temperature from the sensor and display it in degrees Celsius every second.
  3. As the temperature changes, you’ll see updated values in the console.

Explanation of the Code:

  • ADC Initialization: The TMP36 sensor is connected to GPIO34, and the ADC is initialized to read from this pin.
  • Temperature Conversion: The raw ADC value is converted to voltage, and then to a temperature in Celsius using the TMP36 sensor’s calibration (0.5V = 0°C, 10mV per degree Celsius).
  • Loop Function: The temperature is continuously read and printed every second.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Display on LCD: Display the temperature on an LCD or OLED screen instead of printing it in the console.
  2. Data Logging: Log temperature data over time and store it in a file for later analysis.
  3. Threshold Alerts: Add an LED or buzzer that triggers when the temperature goes above or below a certain threshold.

Common Problems and Solutions for Temperature Reading with ADC:

Problem Solution
Incorrect temperature readings Ensure the sensor is connected to the correct ADC pin and the voltage conversion is accurate.
ADC value not changing Check the wiring of the TMP36 and ensure it’s receiving power.
Temperature fluctuating too much Add a filter or take an average of multiple readings to smooth out the noise.

FAQ for Temperature Reading with ADC:

Q: Can I use a different temperature sensor?
A: Yes, but you’ll need to adjust the voltage-to-temperature conversion formula according to the sensor’s specifications.

Q: How accurate is the TMP36 sensor?
A: The TMP36 has a typical accuracy of ±2°C, making it suitable for general-purpose temperature monitoring.

Q: Can I use a different ADC pin?
A: Yes, as long as the pin supports analog input (ADC). Modify the Pin() initialization to use the correct GPIO pin.


In this project, you learned how to read temperature data using ADC in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. You can now use this method to interface with other analog sensors that provide voltage-based output. This project is a great foundation for creating temperature-based monitoring systems, data loggers, or environmental control systems.

Blinking LED Using Timer in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to Blinking LED Using Timer in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. Timers allow us to execute tasks at regular intervals without blocking the main code, making them ideal for periodic actions like blinking an LED. This project introduces you to timer initialization and the use of callback functions for time-based events.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Initialize a hardware timer in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266.
  • Use a callback function to toggle an LED at regular intervals.
  • Understand the concept of non-blocking timers for periodic tasks.

Data Types and Variable Table for Blinking LED Using Timer in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
Timer timer Represents the hardware timer object.
Pin led Represents the GPIO pin controlling the LED.
function toggle_led Callback function that toggles the LED on and off.

Syntax Table for Blinking LED Using Timer in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize Timer timer = Timer(n) timer = Timer(0)
Timer Callback Function timer.init(period, mode, callback) timer.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=toggle_led)
Stop Timer timer.deinit() timer.deinit()

Required Components for Blinking LED Using Timer

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • 1x LED
  • 1x Resistor (220Ω)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires

Circuit Diagram for Blinking LED Using Timer



         |—|—--> GPIO2  

         |   |     

         |—|—--> GND


       220Ω Resistor




Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
LED Anode Connected to GPIO2 GPIO2 Controls LED using the timer callback function.
LED Cathode Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the LED.
Resistor Pin 1 Connected to GND GND Protects the LED from excessive current.


Always use a 220Ω resistor in series with the LED to limit the current and protect the LED from damage.

Circuit Analysis for Blinking LED Using Timer:

The timer in MicroPython is used to toggle the LED at regular intervals. A hardware timer generates periodic interrupts that call the toggle_led function, which turns the LED on or off. This non-blocking approach allows the main program to perform other tasks while the LED blinks in the background.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

No additional libraries are required for this project. The machine module in MicroPython provides built-in support for timers.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Blinking LED Using Timer:

import machine

from machine import Timer


# Initialize LED on GPIO2

led = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT)


# Toggle the LED state

def toggle_led(timer):

    led.value(not led.value())


# Initialize a hardware timer to blink the LED every second

timer = Timer(0)

timer.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=toggle_led)


Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The LED will blink at 1-second intervals, controlled by the hardware timer.
  3. The timer runs in the background, allowing the LED to blink without blocking other tasks.

Explanation of the Code:

  • LED Initialization: The LED is set up on GPIO2 as an output pin.
  • Callback Function: The toggle_led function is called by the timer and toggles the LED on and off by changing its value.
  • Timer Initialization: The hardware timer is initialized with a period of 1000 milliseconds (1 second), and the toggle_led function is assigned as the callback.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Multiple Timers: Use additional timers to control multiple LEDs or other components at different intervals.
  2. User Input: Add buttons to change the timer’s period, allowing you to adjust the blinking speed dynamically.
  3. Complex Tasks: Use timers to control more complex processes like sensor polling or motor control.

Common Problems and Solutions for Blinking LED Using Timer:

Problem Solution
LED not blinking Ensure that the LED and resistor are connected properly, and that the correct GPIO pin is used.
Timer callback not triggering Check the timer initialization code and verify that the period and callback function are set correctly.
Timer behaving unpredictably Ensure that the timer mode is set to Timer.PERIODIC for repeated events.

FAQ for Blinking LED Using Timer:

Q: Can I use a different GPIO pin for the LED?
A: Yes, as long as the pin supports digital output. Modify the machine.Pin() initialization accordingly.

Q: How do I change the blinking interval?
A: Adjust the period value in the timer.init() function to change the interval between blinks.

Q: Can I use multiple timers at once?
A: Yes, ESP32 and ESP8266 support multiple timers. You can initialize additional timers with different IDs (e.g., Timer(1), Timer(2)).


In this project, you learned how to blink an LED using a hardware timer in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. Timers are useful for running tasks at regular intervals without blocking the main code, which is essential for creating non-blocking, time-based events in embedded systems. This technique can be expanded to control multiple components and processes simultaneously.

Servo Motor Control Using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

In this project, you’ll learn how to control the angle of a Servo Motor Control Using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. Servo motors are widely used in robotics and automation for precise angular control. By adjusting the PWM signal, we can control the angle of the servo motor, making this project an excellent introduction to PWM and frequency adjustment in embedded systems.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help you:

  • Understand PWM for servo motor control.
  • Adjust the frequency and duty cycle to control the angular position of a servo motor.
  • Apply PWM to other applications that require precise control over motors.

Data Types and Variable Table for Servo Motor Control Using PWM in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
PWM servo Represents the PWM object controlling the servo motor’s angle.
int duty Duty cycle value that determines the angle of the servo (40-115).

Syntax Table for Servo Motor Control Using PWM in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize PWM on a Pin pwm = PWM(Pin(pin_number)) servo = PWM(Pin(2))
Set PWM Frequency pwm.freq(frequency) servo.freq(50)
Set PWM Duty Cycle pwm.duty(duty_cycle) servo.duty(80) (sets angle)
Stop PWM pwm.deinit() servo.deinit()

Required Components for Servo Motor Control Using PWM

  • ESP32 or ESP8266 board
  • 1x Servo Motor (SG90 or similar)
  • External Power Supply (for the servo motor)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard

Circuit Diagram for Servo Motor Control Using PWM

        Servo Motor


         |          |

         | Signal --> GPIO2 (PWM Pin)  

         | VCC    --> 5V (external power supply)

         | GND    --> GND (ESP32/ESP8266)



Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
Servo Signal Connected to GPIO2 GPIO2 (PWM Pin) Controls the angle of the servo motor using PWM.
Servo VCC Connected to 5V External Power Supply Provides power to the servo motor.
Servo GND Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the servo motor.


  • External Power: Ensure that you use an external power supply to power the servo motor, as the ESP32/ESP8266 may not provide enough current.
  • Avoid Overdriving the Servo: Ensure you set the correct frequency (typically 50Hz) for servo motors to avoid damage.

Circuit Analysis for Servo Motor Control Using PWM:

A servo motor is controlled by sending a PWM signal with a specific frequency (50Hz for most hobby servos). The position of the servo motor’s shaft is determined by the width of the pulse (duty cycle). By varying the duty cycle between 40 (0 degrees) and 115 (180 degrees), we can control the angle of the servo motor.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries:

No additional libraries are required for this project. The machine module in MicroPython provides built-in support for PWM control.

Writing the MicroPython Code for Servo Motor Control Using PWM:

import machine

import time


# Initialize PWM on GPIO2

servo = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(2))


# Set PWM frequency to 50Hz (standard for servo motors)



# Function to set servo angle

def set_angle(angle):

    # Convert angle (0 to 180) to duty cycle (40 to 115)

    duty = int(40 + (angle / 180) * 75)



# Gradually move servo from 0 to 180 degrees and back

while True:

    for angle in range(0, 181, 10):



    for angle in range(180, -1, -10):




Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The servo motor will gradually move from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, then back to 0 degrees in 10-degree steps.
  3. You should observe smooth and controlled movements of the servo as it responds to the PWM signals.

Explanation of the Code:

  • PWM Initialization: The servo is initialized on GPIO2, and the PWM frequency is set to 50Hz (the standard for servo motors).
  • Duty Cycle Adjustment: The set_angle function converts the desired angle (0 to 180 degrees) into a corresponding PWM duty cycle.
  • Loop Function: The program continuously moves the servo from 0 to 180 degrees and back, updating the position every 0.5 seconds.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Control Multiple Servos: Use additional GPIO pins to control multiple servos independently.
  2. Sensor Input: Add a potentiometer or sensor to control the servo’s angle dynamically based on user input or environmental conditions.
  3. Button Control: Integrate buttons to manually adjust the servo angle in defined steps.

Common Problems and Solutions for Servo Motor Control Using PWM:

Problem Solution
Servo motor not moving Check the circuit connections and ensure that the servo has an external power supply.
Servo jittering or erratic movement Ensure the PWM frequency is set to 50Hz and that the power supply is stable.
Servo not reaching the correct angle Verify the duty cycle range (40-115) is correct for your specific servo model.

FAQ for Servo Motor Control Using PWM:

Q: Can I use a different GPIO pin for the servo motor?
A: Yes, as long as the pin supports PWM. Check the ESP32/ESP8266 documentation to find PWM-capable pins.

Q: How do I adjust the servo motor’s speed?
A: The speed is controlled by how quickly you update the angle. Decrease the time delay in the loop to speed up the servo movement.

Q: Can I control other types of motors with PWM?
A: Yes, PWM can be used to control DC motors, stepper motors, and other actuators.


In this project, you learned how to control a servo motor using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to adjust the PWM frequency and duty cycle, you now have the tools to control the angular position of servo motors, which is a critical skill for robotics and automation projects. This project can be expanded to include multiple servos or sensor-based control for more complex applications.

LED Brightness Control Using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266

Controlling the brightness of an LED using LED Brightness Control Using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266 is a fundamental project for beginners learning embedded systems. By adjusting the PWM signal’s duty cycle, we can control the brightness of an LED, making this project ideal for learning how to manipulate analog-style outputs using digital controllers like ESP32 and ESP8266.

Purpose of the Project:

The aim of this project is to help you understand how to:

  • Initialize PWM in MicroPython to control the brightness of an LED.
  • Adjust the PWM duty cycle to increase or decrease the brightness.
  • Apply the concept of PWM to other hardware components for various projects.

Data Types and Variable Table for LED Brightness Control Using PWM in MicroPython

Data Type Variable Name Description
PWM led Represents the PWM object controlling the brightness of the LED.
int duty Holds the duty cycle value, which determines the brightness (0-1023 range).

Syntax Table for LED Brightness Control Using PWM in MicroPython

Operation Syntax Example
Initialize PWM on a Pin pwm = PWM(Pin(pin_number)) led = PWM(Pin(2))
Set PWM Frequency pwm.freq(frequency) led.freq(1000)
Set PWM Duty Cycle pwm.duty(duty_cycle) led.duty(512)
Stop PWM pwm.deinit() led.deinit()

Required Components for LED Brightness Control Using PWM

  • ESP32 or ESP8266
  • 1x LED
  • 1x Resistor (220Ω)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires

Circuit Diagram for LED Brightness Control Using PWM



         |—|—--> GPIO2 (PWM Pin)  

         |   |     

         |—|—--> GND


       220Ω Resistor




Circuit Connection Table

Component Pin ESP32/ESP8266 Pin Explanation
LED Anode Connected to GPIO2 GPIO2 (PWM Pin) Controls LED brightness using PWM
LED Cathode Connected to GND GND Ground connection for the LED
Resistor Pin 1 Connected to GND GND Protects the LED from excessive current


Always use a 220Ω resistor in series with the LED to limit the current. Avoid connecting the LED directly to prevent damage to the LED or the board.

Circuit Analysis for LED Brightness Control Using PWM:

The circuit works by using PWM to control how long the LED stays on during each cycle. The brightness of the LED is controlled by varying the duty cycle of the PWM signal. A higher duty cycle means the LED stays on for a longer period, resulting in a brighter LED, while a lower duty cycle dims it.

Installing MicroPython and Libraries (If Needed):

If you haven’t installed MicroPython on your ESP32 or ESP8266, follow these steps: –chip esp32 erase_flash –chip esp32 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-20210902-v1.17.bin


No additional libraries are needed for this project since MicroPython’s built-in machine library supports PWM functions.

Writing the MicroPython Code for LED Brightness Control Using PWM:

import machine

import time


# Initialize PWM on GPIO2

led = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(2))


# Set PWM frequency to 1 kHz



# Gradually increase and decrease brightness

while True:

    # Gradually increase brightness

    for duty in range(0, 1024):




    # Gradually decrease brightness

    for duty in range(1023, -1, -1):




Running the Code and Checking the Output:

  1. Upload the code to your ESP32 or ESP8266 using Thonny or another MicroPython IDE.
  2. The LED will gradually brighten as the PWM duty cycle increases from 0 to 1023, and then dim as the duty cycle decreases back to 0.
  3. The LED brightness will change smoothly, demonstrating how the PWM duty cycle controls the power delivered to the LED.

Explanation of the Code:

  • PWM Initialization: The PWM object is created on GPIO2 to control the LED.
  • Frequency Setting: The PWM frequency is set to 1 kHz to ensure smooth dimming and brightening.
  • Duty Cycle Adjustment: The loop adjusts the duty cycle from 0 (off) to 1023 (full brightness) to control the LED’s brightness.
  • Loop Function: The program continuously increases and decreases the LED’s brightness over time.

Expanding the Project:

  1. Multiple LEDs: You can control multiple LEDs using different GPIO pins, each with its own PWM signal for independent brightness control.
  2. Sensor Integration: Add a light or temperature sensor to automatically adjust the brightness of the LED based on environmental conditions.
  3. Button Control: Introduce buttons to allow manual adjustment of the brightness level in steps (e.g., low, medium, high).

Common Problems and Solutions for LED Brightness Control Using PWM:

Problem Solution
LED not lighting up Check the circuit connections and the GPIO pin configuration. Ensure that the LED and resistor are connected correctly.
LED flickering or erratic brightness Increase the PWM frequency using led.freq() to smooth out the transitions.
Board resets or behaves unpredictably Ensure the board has a stable power supply and is not drawing too much current from other components.

FAQ for LED Brightness Control Using PWM:

Q: Can I use a different GPIO pin for the LED?
A: Yes, as long as the GPIO pin supports PWM. Check the ESP32/ESP8266 documentation to find PWM-capable pins.

Q: How do I change the brightness range?
A: Modify the for loop range or directly set the duty cycle values to adjust the brightness range.

Q: Can I control other components, like motors, with PWM?
A: Yes, PWM is widely used to control motors, fans, and other components that require variable power input.


In this project, you’ve learned how to control LED brightness using PWM in MicroPython for ESP32 and ESP8266. By understanding how to adjust the duty cycle, you can now control the power delivered to devices like LEDs, motors, or other components. This project lays the foundation for more advanced embedded systems projects where precise power control is required.