Displaying Output on Raspberry Pi

When working with your Raspberry Pi, Displaying Output on Raspberry Pi is one of the most fundamental tasks. Whether you’re printing sensor data, debugging your code, or controlling devices, you’ll often need to display results on the terminal. In Python, the print() function is the primary method used to display output. This guide will teach you how to effectively use print() to display output in your Raspberry Pi projects.

Using the print() Function in Raspberry Pi

The print() function in Python is used to display information on the terminal. It can be used to output text, variables, results of calculations, or any data you want to show to the user.


print(value, …, sep=’ ‘, end=’\n’)

  • value: The value or expression you want to display.
  • sep: Optional. Defines the separator between multiple values. Default is a space (‘ ‘).
  • end: Optional. Defines what to print at the end. Default is a newline (‘\n’).

Example: Basic print() Usage:

print(“Hello, Raspberry Pi!”)



Copy code

Hello, Raspberry Pi!


In this simple example, the string “Hello, Raspberry Pi!” is printed to the terminal.

Displaying Variables in Output

You can use the print() function to display the values stored in variables. This is useful for showing sensor readings, system status, or results of calculations.

Example: Printing Variables:

temperature = 24.5

device_name = “Raspberry Pi”

print(f”Device: {device_name}”)

print(f”Current Temperature: {temperature}°C”)


Device: Raspberry Pi

Current Temperature: 24.5°C

In this example, we use f-strings (formatted string literals) to print the variable values in a human-readable format.

Combining Text and Variables in print()

The print() function allows you to combine text and variables in a single output line. This is especially useful when you want to provide context for your displayed data.

Example: Combining Text and Variables:

humidity = 60

print(“The current humidity level is”, humidity, “%.”)



The current humidity level is 60 %.


In this example, the text and variable humidity are printed together in a meaningful sentence.

Formatting Output Using print()

Python allows you to format output in various ways to make the displayed information more readable. You can use f-strings or the format() method for advanced formatting.

Example 1: Using f-Strings for Formatting:

temperature = 23.789

print(f”Temperature: {temperature:.2f}°C”)



Temperature: 23.79°C


In this example, {temperature:.2f} formats the value to two decimal places.

Example 2: Using format() for Formatting:

cpu_usage = 15.6789

print(“CPU usage is {:.1f}%”.format(cpu_usage))



CPU usage is 15.7%


Here, {:.1f} ensures that the cpu_usage value is displayed with one decimal place.

Displaying Multiple Values

You can print multiple values in one line by separating them with commas. The print() function will automatically insert spaces between the values.

Example: Printing Multiple Values:

temperature = 25

humidity = 55


print(“Temperature:”, temperature, “°C,”, “Humidity:”, humidity, “%”)



Temperature: 25 °C, Humidity: 55 %


In this example, multiple values and text are printed in a single line.

Printing Lists and Arrays

You can also print more complex data types like lists or arrays, which is useful when displaying sensor data or device statuses.

Example: Printing a List:

sensors = [“Temperature Sensor”, “Humidity Sensor”, “Pressure Sensor”]

print(“Connected Sensors:”, sensors)



Connected Sensors: [‘Temperature Sensor’, ‘Humidity Sensor’, ‘Pressure Sensor’]


In this example, the list sensors is printed as a single output.

Real-World Example: Displaying Sensor Data

Let’s assume you are reading temperature and humidity data from sensors connected to your Raspberry Pi. You can display these readings using the print() function.

# Simulated sensor readings

temperature = 24.6

humidity = 55


# Display sensor data

print(f”Temperature: {temperature}°C”)

print(f”Humidity: {humidity}%”)



Temperature: 24.6°C

Humidity: 55%


In this real-world example, sensor readings are stored in variables and displayed in a clear format.

Step-by-Step: Save, Run, and Check Output on Raspberry Pi

1. Save the Script

  • Open the Thonny IDE or a text editor on your Raspberry Pi.
  • Copy the example code.
  • Save the file with a .py extension (e.g., sensor_data.py).

2. Open the Terminal

  • Open the terminal on your Raspberry Pi.

3. Navigate to the Script Directory

Use the cd command to navigate to the folder where your Python script is saved.
cd /home/pi/Documents/

4. Run the Python Script

Run the script using the following command:
python3 sensor_data.py

5. Check the Output

  • The temperature and humidity readings will be printed on the terminal as defined in the script.

Using print() for Debugging

The print() function is extremely useful for debugging your Raspberry Pi projects. By printing variable values at different stages of your program, you can check if your code is working correctly.

Example: Using print() for Debugging:

sensor_value = 0  # Initial value

print(f”Initial sensor value: {sensor_value}”)

# Simulating a sensor reading

sensor_value = 23.4

print(f”Updated sensor value: {sensor_value}”)



Initial sensor value: 0

Updated sensor value: 23.4


By displaying the sensor_value at different stages, you can track how its value changes and ensure your program is functioning as expected.

FAQ: Displaying Output on Raspberry Pi

Q: Can I display multiple variables in one print() statement?
A: Yes, you can separate multiple variables or values with commas inside the print() function, and they will be printed together on one line.

Q: Can I format my output to display a specific number of decimal places?
A: Yes, you can use f-strings or the format() method to control the number of decimal places in your output.
Example: print(f”{value:.2f}”) will format the value to two decimal places.

Q: Is print() the only way to display output in Python on Raspberry Pi?
A: While print() is the most common way to display output in the terminal, you can also use libraries like Tkinter for graphical output or display results on connected LCDs.


By learning how to display output on Raspberry Pi using the print() function, you can efficiently track and display data in your projects. Whether you’re showing sensor readings, debugging your code, or printing results, print() is a powerful tool that helps you visualize and verify your program’s behavior.