Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi

In this project, we will focus on Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi using gas sensors. Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are common gases in the environment, and detecting them is crucial for safety in industrial, agricultural, and residential applications. By using sensors like the MQ-4 (for methane) or MG-811 (for CO2), you can build a gas detection system with the Raspberry Pi. This project is suitable for beginners who are interested in environmental monitoring or gas detection systems.

Purpose of the Project 

The aim of this project is to demonstrate how to set up and use a gas sensor for Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi. You will learn how to connect the hardware, install required libraries, and write Python code to measure gas concentration levels in real-time.

Data Types and Variable Table for Detecting Methane or CO2 

Variable Name Data Type Description
GAS_SENSOR_PIN Integer The analog pin where the gas sensor is connected
gas_value Float The digital output of the gas sensor
gas_concentration Float The calculated concentration of methane or CO2 (in ppm)

Syntax Table for Detecting Methane or CO2 

Topic Syntax Simple Example
SPI Initialization mcp = MCP3008(SPI) mcp = MCP3008(SPI.SpiDev(0, 0))
ADC Reading mcp.read_adc(channel) gas_value = mcp.read_adc(0)
Conversion ppm = calculate_ppm(adc_value) gas_concentration = calculate_ppm(gas_value)
Print Statement print(f”text: {variable}”) print(f”CO2 Concentration: {gas_concentration} ppm”)

Required Components 

To build this project for Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi, you will need:

  • Raspberry Pi (any model)
  • MQ-4 or MG-811 Gas Sensor
  • MCP3008 ADC
  • Jumper Wires
  • 10kΩ Resistor (optional for pull-up)
  • Breadboard

Circuit Connection Table for Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi 

Component Raspberry Pi Pin MCP3008 Pin Additional Notes
Gas Sensor Signal Pin Channel 0 (CH0) Connected to the analog pin on the gas sensor
MCP3008 Pin 1 (VDD) 3.3V (Pin 1) Powers the MCP3008 from the Raspberry Pi’s 3.3V rail
MCP3008 Pin 2 (VREF) 3.3V (Pin 1) Reference voltage
MCP3008 Pin 3 (AGND) GND (Pin 6) Ground for analog circuits
MCP3008 Pin 8 (DGND) GND (Pin 6) Ground for digital circuits
MCP3008 Pin 7 (CS/SHDN) GPIO8 (Pin 24) Connect to the Chip Select pin


  • Ensure proper ventilation when testing methane detection, as methane is a flammable gas.
  • Avoid placing the sensor near any fire sources or sparks when testing gases like methane.
  • Make sure connections are secure to avoid inaccurate gas concentration readings.

Circuit Analysis for Detecting Methane or CO2 

Gas sensors like MQ-4 (methane) or MG-811 (CO2) generate an analog signal based on the concentration of the gas in the environment. The analog signal is then read by the MCP3008 ADC and converted into a digital value that the Raspberry Pi can process. By using a formula, we convert this value into a readable gas concentration (in parts per million, or ppm).

Installing Libraries 

To interface the MCP3008 with the Raspberry Pi, install the required libraries using the following command:

sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mcp3xxx

Writing the Code Using Python 

Here’s the Python code for detecting methane or CO2:

import time

import Adafruit_GPIO.SPI as SPI

import Adafruit_MCP3008


# MCP3008 Setup



mcp = Adafruit_MCP3008.MCP3008(spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE))


# Gas sensor connected to CH0



def calculate_ppm(adc_value):

    # Formula to convert ADC value to gas concentration in ppm (example calculation)

    voltage = adc_value * 3.3 / 1023

    ppm = (voltage / 5.0) * 1000  # Example conversion, modify based on sensor datasheet

    return ppm



    while True:

        # Read gas sensor value

        gas_value = mcp.read_adc(GAS_SENSOR_PIN)


        # Calculate gas concentration in ppm

        gas_concentration = calculate_ppm(gas_value)


        # Print the concentration value

        print(f”Gas Concentration: {gas_concentration:.2f} ppm”)    


except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print(“Program stopped”)


Explanation of the Code 

  • SPI Setup: Initializes the SPI communication for the MCP3008 ADC.
  • Reading Gas Sensor: The mcp.read_adc() function reads the analog value from the gas sensor connected to Channel 0.
  • Converting ADC Value: The function calculate_ppm() converts the ADC value to parts per million (ppm) for gas concentration.
  • Displaying Gas Concentration: The gas concentration is printed in ppm to the console every second.

Running the Code and Checking Output 

  1. Save the code as

Run the script using the following command:
Copy code

  1. You will see real-time gas concentration values (in ppm) printed on the terminal.

Expanding the Project 

You can expand this project by:

  • Setting threshold values for dangerous levels of methane or CO2 and triggering an alarm or notification when these levels are exceeded.
  • Logging the gas concentration data over time for monitoring.
  • Displaying the gas concentration levels on an LCD screen or web dashboard.

Common Problems and Solutions 

  • Problem: The sensor is not detecting any gas.
    • Solution: Ensure that the gas sensor is properly connected, and check the wiring to the MCP3008 ADC.
  • Problem: Fluctuating gas concentration readings.
    • Solution: Stabilize the sensor by letting it warm up for a few minutes before taking readings.


Q1: Can I use this setup for gases other than methane or CO2?
A1: Yes, this setup can be used for other gases like LPG, propane, or hydrogen, as long as the sensor is designed for that gas.

Q2: How can I improve the accuracy of gas concentration measurements?
A2: You can improve accuracy by calibrating the sensor using known gas concentrations and refining the conversion formula based on the sensor’s datasheet.


In this project, we have successfully built a gas detection system using a gas sensor and Raspberry Pi. By reading the sensor’s analog output through an MCP3008 ADC and converting it into a concentration value, we are able to detect gases like methane and CO2 in real time. This project demonstrates the basics of Detecting Methane or CO2 with Raspberry Pi, and you can expand it for various real-world applications, such as environmental monitoring or safety systems.