External interrupts to control an LED

External interrupts to control an LED

The objective of this project is to use external interrupts to control an LED with a button press. The LED will respond immediately to the button press, thanks to attachInterrupt(), allowing non-blocking, real-time input control. This demonstrates how to use interrupts to prioritize user input without the need for constant polling.

Fundamental Programming Concepts

  • External Interrupts (attachInterrupt()): Allows the program to respond immediately to an event (like a button press) without constantly checking the button’s state.
  • Digital Input (Button): Reads the state of the button to trigger the interrupt.
  • Digital Output (LED): Controls the LED by turning it on or off based on the button press.

Requirement Components

To complete this button-interrupt LED controller using Arduino project, you will need:

  • Arduino Uno Board
  • LED
  • 220Ω Resistor
  • Push Button
  • 10kΩ Resistor (pull-down)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires
  • USB Cable (for connecting Arduino to your computer)

Circuit Diagram

Insert your Arduino Button-Interrupt LED Controller Circuit Diagram here to help visualize the setup.

Circuit Connection

Component Arduino Pin
LED (Anode) Pin 13
LED (Cathode) GND
Button (One Side) Pin 2 (Interrupt Pin)
Button (Other Side) GND
10kΩ Resistor Between Pin 2 and GND

How to Connect the Circuit

  1. LED: Connect the anode of the LED to Pin 13 and the cathode to GND using a 220Ω resistor.
  2. Button: Connect one side of the button to Pin 2 (an interrupt pin) and the other side to GND. Use a 10kΩ pull-down resistor between Pin 2 and GND.
  3. Power: Ensure that the Arduino is powered via USB.

Explanation of Circuit

  • The button is connected to Pin 2, which is an interrupt-capable pin. When pressed, it triggers an interrupt that will toggle the state of the LED.
  • The LED is connected to Pin 13 and will turn on or off depending on the button press, controlled by the interrupt.

Programming Section for external interrupts to control an LED

Arduino Syntax

Topic Name Syntax Explanation
attachInterrupt() attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), ISR, mode) Attaches an interrupt to the specified pin, calling the specified function when triggered.
digitalRead() digitalRead(pin) Reads the state of a digital pin (HIGH or LOW).
digitalWrite() digitalWrite(pin, value) Sets a digital pin to HIGH or LOW to control outputs.

Arduino Code:

Here’s the Arduino code to control an LED using a button press with external interrupts:

const int ledPin = 13;    // Pin connected to the LED
const int buttonPin = 2;  // Pin connected to the button (interrupt pin)
volatile bool ledState = LOW;  // Volatile variable for LED state
void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  // Set the LED pin as output
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set the button pin as input with internal pull-up
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(buttonPin), toggleLED, FALLING);  // Attach interrupt to the button
void loop() {
 // The LED state is controlled by the interrupt, so the main loop is empty
// ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) to toggle the LED
void toggleLED() {
  ledState = !ledState;  // Toggle the LED state
  digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);  // Set the LED based on the new state

Steps to Upload Code:

  1. Connect your Arduino to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct Board and Port.
  3. Copy and paste the provided code into a new sketch.
  4. Click the Upload button to transfer the code to your Arduino.
  5. Press the button to see the LED toggle its state (on/off) in real-time using interrupts.

Check Output

Once the code is uploaded, pressing the button connected to Pin 2 will trigger an interrupt that toggles the LED connected to Pin 13. The LED should turn on and off with each press of the button, responding instantly due to the interrupt.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • LED not responding? Ensure the button is correctly connected to Pin 2 (an interrupt pin) and GND.
  • Button presses not detected? Check that the attachInterrupt() function is called with the correct pin and that the FALLING mode is used to detect the button press.
  • LED flickering? Ensure proper debouncing is applied either through hardware or in the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine).

Further Exploration

  • Debounce the Button: Add a software debouncing technique inside the ISR to prevent unwanted multiple triggers from a single press.
  • Multiple Interrupts: Experiment with additional interrupt pins to control multiple LEDs or other outputs.
  • Advanced Control: Use the interrupt to trigger more complex actions, such as controlling motors or sending signals to other devices.


This project demonstrates how to use external interrupts in Arduino for real-time input handling. By using attachInterrupt(), we can create immediate, non-blocking responses to button presses, making the project more responsive and efficient.


Q1: What is an external interrupt, and why use it?
An external interrupt allows the Arduino to immediately respond to an input event, like a button press, without having to constantly check the state of the input. This ensures more efficient and responsive code.

Q2: How does attachInterrupt() work in this project?
The attachInterrupt() function attaches an interrupt to the specified pin. When the button is pressed, it triggers the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) to toggle the LED.

Q3: Can I debounce the button in this project?
Yes, you can implement debouncing either through software or hardware. In software, you can add a small delay or check the time between interrupts in the ISR to ensure only valid presses are registered.

Q4: Can I use interrupts for multiple buttons?
Yes, you can attach interrupts to multiple pins (depending on your Arduino model) to control more buttons or outputs like LEDs.

Q5: What happens if I don’t use an interrupt for the button?
Without an interrupt, you would have to use a polling method (constantly checking the button’s state in the loop), which could delay the response to the button press or interfere with other parts of the program.

Arduino button-controlled LED

Arduino button-controlled LED

The objective of this project is to control an LED using a button with an Arduino. This project will demonstrate how to read button states and change the LED’s state using digital input (digitalRead()) and digital output (digitalWrite()). You’ll also learn about debouncing to ensure only one press is registered, making it an essential Arduino button-controlled LED project.

Fundamental Programming Concepts

  • Digital Input (digitalRead()): Reads the state of the button (HIGH or LOW).
  • Digital Output (digitalWrite()): Sends signals to control the LED (turn it on or off).
  • Debouncing: Ensures that only one button press is registered when the button bounces.
  • Variables: Used to store the button and LED states.

Requirement Components

To complete this button-controlled LED Arduino project, you will need:

  • Arduino Uno Board
  • Push Button
  • 10kΩ Resistor (for pull-down)
  • LED
  • 220Ω Resistor (for the LED)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires
  • USB Cable (for connecting Arduino to your computer)

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Connection

Component Arduino Pin
Button (One Pin) Pin 2
Button (Other Pin) GND
10kΩ Resistor Between Pin 2 and GND
LED (Anode) Pin 9
LED (Cathode) GND
220Ω Resistor Between LED anode and pin 9

How to Connect the Circuit

  1. Connect the push button to Pin 2 on the Arduino. The other leg of the button goes to GND.
  2. Place a 10kΩ pull-down resistor between Pin 2 and GND to ensure proper button behavior when not pressed.
  3. Connect the LED’s anode (longer leg) to Pin 9 and the cathode (shorter leg) to GND using a 220Ω resistor.
  4. Double-check the connections to ensure they are correct.

Explanation of Circuit

  • The button is used as a digital input to control the LED. When pressed, it sends a HIGH signal to Pin 2, and when released, it returns to LOW due to the pull-down resistor.
  • The LED is connected to Pin 9 and will turn on or off based on the button press, controlled through digitalWrite().

Programming Section for Arduino button-controlled LED

Arduino Syntax

Topic Name Syntax Explanation
digitalRead() digitalRead(pin) Reads the state of the button (HIGH or LOW).
digitalWrite() digitalWrite(pin, value) Sets a digital pin to HIGH or LOW to control the LED.
Debouncing delay(ms) Adds a delay to handle button bounce.
Variables int variableName Stores values like button and LED states.

Arduino Code:

Here is the Arduino code to control the LED based on button input with debouncing:

// Define pin numbers
const int buttonPin = 2;   // Pin connected to the button
const int ledPin = 9;      // Pin connected to the LED
// Variables to store button and LED states
int buttonState = 0;       // Variable for reading the button state
int lastButtonState = 0;   // Variable to store the previous button state
int ledState = LOW;        // Variable to store LED state
void setup() {
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);  // Set button pin as input
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);    // Set LED pin as output
void loop() {
  // Read the current state of the button
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  // Check if button state has changed (debouncing)
  if (buttonState == HIGH && lastButtonState == LOW) {
    delay(50);  // Small delay to handle button bounce
    ledState = !ledState;  // Toggle the LED state
    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);  // Set the LED to on/off
  // Save the current button state as the last state for the next loop
  lastButtonState = buttonState;

Steps to Upload Code:

  1. Connect your Arduino to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct Board and Port.
  3. Copy and paste the provided code into a new sketch.
  4. Click the Upload button to upload the code to your Arduino.
  5. Press the button to observe how the LED toggles on and off.

Check Output

Once the code is uploaded, press the button connected to Pin 2. You should see the LED connected to Pin 9 toggle between ON and OFF states each time the button is pressed.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • LED not turning on? Double-check the polarity of the LED (anode to Pin 9, cathode to GND) and ensure the connections are correct.
  • Button presses not working correctly? Verify the pull-down resistor is properly connected between Pin 2 and GND to prevent floating values.
  • No output on Serial Monitor? Ensure the correct COM port is selected, and make sure the button and LED pins are defined correctly in the code.

Further Exploration

  • Add More Buttons: Expand the project by adding more buttons to control multiple LEDs or other devices.
  • Control Multiple LEDs: Use multiple LEDs and change their states based on button input.
  • Add Long Press Functionality: Implement code to detect long button presses for additional control.


This project teaches the fundamentals of working with digital inputs and outputs, debouncing, and using variables in Arduino programming. Understanding these concepts is essential for creating more advanced input/output projects with Arduino.


Q1: How does the pull-down resistor work in this project?
A pull-down resistor ensures that when the button is not pressed, the pin remains at LOW. Without it, the pin could float between HIGH and LOW, causing erratic behavior.

Q2: What does digitalRead() do?
The digitalRead() function reads the current state of the button (either HIGH or LOW), allowing the Arduino to detect when the button is pressed.

Q3: Why do we need debouncing?
Debouncing is necessary because mechanical buttons can “bounce,” causing multiple signals for a single press. Adding a small delay in the code ensures that only one press is registered.

Q4: How can I add more buttons to this project?
You can add more buttons by connecting them to different digital input pins on the Arduino and modifying the code to read their states and control additional LEDs.

Q5: Can I control more than one LED with a single button?
Yes, you can modify the code to control multiple LEDs by toggling the state of each LED based on a single button press.