Mastering Arduino Comparison Operators

Arduino Comparison Operators

In this chapter, we’ll cover the essential Arduino comparison operators, including == (equal to), != (not equal to), > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equal to), and <= (less than or equal to). These operators allow you to compare values and control program flow based on conditions. We’ll also provide examples, common issues, and solutions to help you become proficient in Arduino programming.

Syntax Table: Arduino Comparison Operators

Operator Syntax Simple Example
Equal to (==) result = (operand1 == operand2); bool isEqual = (5 == 5);
Not Equal to (!=) result = (operand1 != operand2); bool notEqual = (5 != 3);
Greater than (>) result = (operand1 > operand2); bool isGreater = (10 > 5);
Less than (<) result = (operand1 < operand2); bool isLess = (3 < 5);
Greater or equal (>=) result = (operand1 >= operand2); bool isGreaterOrEqual = (7 >= 5);
Less or equal (<=) result = (operand1 <= operand2); bool isWithinLimit = (25 <= 30);

== (Equal to) Operator in Arduino

The == (equal to) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator used to check if two values or variables are equal. It returns true if both values are equal and false otherwise. This operator is commonly used in conditional statements like if and while to control the flow of the program.

Use purpose
The == operator is used for:

  • Checking equality: Comparing two values to see if they are the same.
  • Controlling program flow: Often used in if statements to execute code based on whether two values are equal.
  • Loop conditions: Used to maintain or break loops based on equality checks.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 == operand2);


  • result: Stores true or false depending on whether operand1 equals operand2.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to be compared.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to be compared.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 == operand2: Compares whether the two operands are equal. If they are equal, the result is true; otherwise, the result is false.

Arduino code Example

int a = 5;
int b = 5;
bool isEqual;
void setup() {
  isEqual = (a == b);  // Check if a equals b
  if (isEqual) {
    Serial.println("a is equal to b");
  } else {
    Serial.println("a is not equal to b");
void loop() {
  // Nothing needed here

Code Explanation

  • The variables a and b are compared using the == operator. Since a and b are both 5, the result is true.
  • The result is then printed to the serial monitor, displaying “a is equal to b.”


  • The == operator is often used in if statements to check if two variables or values are the same.
  • Be careful not to confuse the assignment operator (=) with the equality operator (==). The equality operator checks if two values are the same, while the assignment operator sets a value.


  • Floating-point comparisons: Comparing float values with == can lead to unexpected results due to the precision limitations of floating-point arithmetic. It’s better to use a tolerance (e.g., if (abs(a – b) < 0.01)) when comparing float values.
  • Assignment vs. comparison: Don’t accidentally use the assignment operator (=) when you mean to use the equality operator (==). This can lead to bugs in your code where values are unintentionally changed.

!= (Not Equal to) Operator in Arduino

The != (not equal to) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator used to check if two values or variables are not equal. It returns true if the values are not equal and false if they are equal. This operator is often used in conditional statements like if and while to execute code when two values differ.

Use purpose
The != operator is used for:

  • Checking inequality: Determining if two values or variables are not the same.
  • Controlling program flow: Often used in if statements to run code when two values are not equal.
  • Loop conditions: Used to keep or break loops when two values are different.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 != operand2);


  • result: Stores true or false depending on whether operand1 is not equal to operand2.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to be compared.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to be compared.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 != operand2: Compares whether the two operands are not equal. If they are not equal, the result is true; if they are equal, the result is false.

Arduino code Example

int a = 5;
int b = 3;
bool notEqual;
void setup() {
  notEqual = (a != b);  // Check if a is not equal to b
  if (notEqual) {
    Serial.println("a is not equal to b");
  } else {
    Serial.println("a is equal to b");
void loop() {
  // Nothing needed here

Code Explanation

  • The variables a and b are compared using the != operator. Since a is 5 and b is 3, they are not equal, so the result is true.
  • The result is then printed to the serial monitor, displaying “a is not equal to b.”


  • The != operator is useful for running code only when two values are not the same.
  • It is frequently used in if statements to control what happens when values or conditions differ.


  • Floating-point comparisons: Like the == operator, using != to compare float values can lead to unexpected results due to precision limitations. It is better to use a tolerance, such as if (abs(a – b) > 0.01).
  • Assignment confusion: Be careful not to confuse != with = or ==. The != operator checks if values are different, while = assigns a value, and == checks if values are equal.

> (Greater than) Operator in Arduino

The > (greater than) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator used to check if one value is greater than another. It returns true if the first value is larger than the second, and false otherwise. This operator is commonly used in conditional statements to compare numbers and control program flow.

Use purpose
The > operator is used for:

  • Comparing values: Checking if one value is larger than another.
  • Controlling program flow: Often used in if statements to execute code when a variable exceeds a certain value.
  • Loop conditions: Used to stop or continue loops based on whether one value is greater than another.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 > operand2);


  • result: Stores true or false depending on whether operand1 is greater than operand2.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to be compared.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to be compared.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 > operand2: Compares whether the first operand is greater than the second. If it is, the result is true; otherwise, it is false.

Arduino code Example

int a = 10;
int b = 5;
bool isGreater;
void setup() {
  isGreater = (a > b);  // Check if a is greater than b
  if (isGreater) {
    Serial.println("a is greater than b");
  } else {
    Serial.println("a is not greater than b");
void loop() {
  // Nothing needed here

Code Explanation

  • The variables a and b are compared using the > operator. Since a is 10 and b is 5, the result is true because 10 is greater than 5.
  • The result is printed to the serial monitor, displaying “a is greater than b.”


  • The > operator is useful for controlling code behavior based on the comparison of values, especially in loops and conditional statements.
  • This operator works with both integers and floating-point numbers.


  • Floating-point precision: When comparing floating-point numbers, be cautious about precision limitations. Small differences may not be accurately reflected due to floating-point representation.
  • Integer overflow: When comparing large integers, ensure that the values don’t exceed the limits of the data type, as this could lead to unexpected results.

< (Less than) Operator in Arduino

The < (less than) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator used to check if one value is smaller than another. It returns true if the first value is less than the second, and false otherwise. This operator is frequently used in conditional statements to control program flow based on numeric comparisons.

Use purpose
The < operator is used for:

  • Comparing values: Checking if one value is smaller than another.
  • Controlling program flow: Often used in if statements to execute code when a variable is less than a certain value.
  • Loop conditions: Used to continue or stop loops based on whether one value is smaller than another.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 < operand2);


  • result: Stores true or false depending on whether operand1 is less than operand2.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to be compared.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to be compared.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 < operand2: Compares whether the first operand is less than the second. If it is, the result is true; otherwise, it is false.

Arduino code Example

int a = 3;
int b = 5;
bool isLess;
void setup() {
  isLess = (a < b);  // Check if a is less than b
  if (isLess) {
    Serial.println("a is less than b");
  } else {
    Serial.println("a is not less than b");
void loop() {
  // Nothing needed here

Code Explanation

  • The variables a and b are compared using the < operator. Since a is 3 and b is 5, the result is true because 3 is less than 5.
  • The result is printed to the serial monitor, displaying “a is less than b.”


  • The < operator is useful for comparing numeric values and controlling how a program behaves based on those comparisons.
  • It can be used with both integers and floating-point numbers.


  • Floating-point precision: Be cautious when using the < operator with floating-point numbers. Precision issues can arise, making very small differences difficult to compare accurately.
  • Integer range: Ensure that the values being compared do not exceed the limits of their data types, especially when working with unsigned integers or very large numbers.

>= (Greater than or equal to) Operator in Arduino

The >= (greater than or equal to) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator that checks if one value is greater than or equal to another. It returns true if the first value is either greater than or exactly equal to the second, and false otherwise. This operator is commonly used in controlling program flow and determining conditions within loops or conditional statements.

Use purpose
The >= operator is used for:

  • Comparing values: Checking if one value is greater than or equal to another.
  • Controlling flow: Often applied in if statements to execute code when a variable meets or exceeds a certain value.
  • Loop conditions: Ensures loops continue or stop based on whether a value is greater than or equal to a given condition.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 >= operand2);


  • result: Stores true or false depending on whether operand1 is greater than or equal to operand2.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to compare.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to compare against.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 >= operand2: This compares whether the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand. If the condition is satisfied, the result will be true; otherwise, it will return false.

Arduino code Example

int x = 7;
int y = 5;
bool isGreaterOrEqual;
void setup() {
  isGreaterOrEqual = (x >= y);  // Check if x is greater than or equal to y
  if (isGreaterOrEqual) {
    Serial.println("x is greater than or equal to y");
  } else {
    Serial.println("x is less than y");
void loop() {
  // No code needed here

Code Explanation

  • In this example, the variable x (7) is compared with y (5) using the >= operator. Since 7 is greater than 5, the result is true, and the message “x is greater than or equal to y” is printed to the serial monitor.


  • The >= operator works with both integers and floating-point numbers.
  • It’s useful for ensuring that conditions are met, especially when there is a lower boundary that must be included in the comparison.


  • Floating-point precision: Like with other comparison operators, floating-point numbers can sometimes cause precision errors. Ensure you are aware of how small differences might affect the outcome.
  • Data type limits: Be cautious with data types, particularly when working with unsigned integers, as unexpected results can occur when comparing negative values.

<= (Less than or equal to) Operator in Arduino

The <= (less than or equal to) operator in Arduino is a comparison operator used to check if one value is less than or equal to another. It returns true if the first value is either less than or exactly equal to the second, and false otherwise. This operator is frequently used in if statements and loops to control the flow of the program based on numeric comparisons.

Use purpose
The <= operator is used for:

  • Comparing values: To check if one number is less than or equal to another.
  • Conditional control: Often used in if statements to execute code when a variable is less than or equal to a specified value.
  • Loop control: Helps determine when a loop should continue or stop by checking if a value is less than or equal to a given condition.

Arduino Syntax use
result = (operand1 <= operand2);

  • result: Stores true if operand1 is less than or equal to operand2, otherwise it stores false.
  • operand1: The first value or variable to be compared.
  • operand2: The second value or variable to compare against.

Arduino Syntax Explanation

  • operand1 <= operand2: Compares whether the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand. If this is true, the result will be true; otherwise, it will return false.

Arduino code Example

int temperature = 25;
int maxTemp = 30;
bool isWithinLimit;
void setup() {
  isWithinLimit = (temperature <= maxTemp);  
  if (isWithinLimit) {
    Serial.println("Temperature is within the limit.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Temperature exceeds the limit.");
void loop() {
  // No code needed here

Code Explanation

  • In this example, the temperature variable (25) is compared to maxTemp (30) using the <= operator. Since 25 is less than 30, the result is true, and the message “Temperature is within the limit” is printed to the serial monitor.
  • If temperature were greater than maxTemp, the message “Temperature exceeds the limit” would be displayed.


  • The <= operator works with both integers and floating-point numbers.
  • It’s a useful operator for checking limits or ensuring a value doesn’t exceed a certain threshold.


  • Floating-point precision: Be careful when comparing floating-point numbers, as small differences can sometimes lead to unexpected results.
  • Data type handling: Be cautious when using different data types, especially when dealing with unsigned integers and negative numbers, as these comparisons might not behave as expected.

Common Problems and Solutions

  1. Confusing Assignment and Comparison
    Problem: Accidentally using = instead of == when comparing values.
    Solution: Always double-check that you use == for comparisons and = for assignment.
    Example: if (a = b)if (a == b)
  2. Floating-Point Precision
    Problem: Comparing two floating-point numbers using == can lead to incorrect results due to precision limitations.
    Solution: Use a tolerance range for comparisons.
    Example: if (abs(a – b) < 0.01) instead of if (a == b)
  3. Overflows and Underflows
    Problem: When comparing large integers, exceeding the limits of a data type can lead to incorrect results.
    Solution: Use larger data types, like long or unsigned long, for large values.
    Example: int largeValue = 32767; long correctValue = 32767L;

Chapter Summary

  • The == operator checks if two values are equal and returns true if they are, otherwise false
  • The != operator checks if two values are not equal, returning true if they differ
  • The > and < operators are used to check if one value is greater than or less than another
  • The >= and <= operators ensure that a value is either greater/less than or equal to another
  • These operators are key in controlling program flow in Arduino, commonly used in if statements and loops to manage conditions


  1. What is the difference between = and == in Arduino?
    = is used for assigning a value to a variable, while == is used to compare two values to see if they are equal
  2. Can I compare floating-point numbers with == in Arduino?
    It’s better to use a tolerance for comparing floats, as precision errors can cause unexpected results. Use if (abs(a – b) < 0.01) instead of if (a == b)
  3. How do comparison operators work in loops?
    Comparison operators are often used in loops to control when the loop should continue or stop. For example, while (counter < 10) continues the loop as long as the condition is true

Simple MCQ Questions and Answers

  1. What does the == operator do in Arduino?
    a) Assigns a value
    b) Compares two values for equality
    c) Checks if a value is greater
    d) Checks if a value is less
    Answer: b) Compares two values for equality
  2. Which operator checks if two values are not equal?
    a) !=
    b) ==
    c) <=
    d) >=
    Answer: a) !=
  3. What happens if you compare floating-point numbers with == in Arduino?
    a) It always works correctly
    b) It may lead to errors due to precision limitations
    c) It compares them as integers
    d) It rounds the numbers
    Answer: b) It may lead to errors due to precision limitations