Swift Sets

This chapter explores swift-setst , a collection type that stores unique, unordered elements. Sets are an efficient way to manage and perform operations on unique data, making them ideal for tasks like filtering duplicates and comparing datasets.

Chapter Goals

  • Understand the purpose and characteristics of sets in Swift.
  • Learn how to create, modify, and manipulate sets.
  • Explore set operations like union, intersection, and difference.
  • Implement sets in real-world applications.

Key Characteristics of Swift Sets

  • Unique Elements: No duplicate values are allowed.
  • Unordered Collection: Elements are not stored in any specific order.
  • Type-Safe: All elements must be of the same type.
  • Optimized for Membership Tests: Fast lookup for existing elements.

Basic Rules for Sets

  • Declare sets using the Set type.
  • Use let for immutable sets and var for mutable sets.
  • Elements must conform to the Hashable protocol.

Syntax Table

Serial No Feature Syntax/Example Description
1 Set Declaration let colors: Set<String> = [“Red”, “Green”] Creates a set with unique elements.
2 Empty Set var numbers = Set<Int>() Creates an empty set of integers.
3 Adding Elements numbers.insert(10) Adds an element to the set.
4 Removing Elements numbers.remove(10) Removes an element from the set.
5 Checking Membership if numbers.contains(10) Checks if a set contains a specific element.
6 Set Operations setA.union(setB) Performs a union of two sets.

Syntax Explanation

1. Set Declaration

What is Set Declaration?

Set declaration initializes a set with unique elements.


let colors: Set<String> = [“Red”, “Green”, “Blue”]

Detailed Explanation

  • Sets are declared using the Set type with elements inside square brackets.
  • Elements must be unique and of the same type.
  • Use let for immutable sets and var for mutable sets.


let fruits: Set<String> = [“Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”]


Example Explanation

  • Declares a set fruits with three unique string elements.
  • Prints the set to the console.

2. Empty Set

What is an Empty Set?

An empty set contains no elements and is useful for dynamic population.


var numbers = Set<Int>()

Detailed Explanation

  • Use Set<Type>() to declare an empty set.
  • Use var to allow adding elements later.
  • Useful for initializing sets that will be populated programmatically.


var scores = Set<Int>()




Example Explanation

  • Declares an empty set scores of integers.
  • Adds two elements using the insert method.
  • Prints the updated set containing the added elements.

3. Adding Elements

What is Adding Elements?

Adding elements inserts unique values into a mutable set.



Detailed Explanation

  • Use the insert method to add elements to a set.
  • Duplicate elements are ignored automatically.


var letters: Set<Character> = [“A”, “B”]


letters.insert(“A”) // Ignored as “A” already exists


Example Explanation

  • Adds a new element “C” to the set letters.
  • Ignores the duplicate “A” and prints the unique elements.

4. Removing Elements

What is Removing Elements?

Removing elements deletes specific values from a set.



Detailed Explanation

  • Use the remove method to delete an element by its value.
  • The method returns the removed element or nil if the element does not exist.


var animals: Set<String> = [“Cat”, “Dog”, “Rabbit”]



Example Explanation

  • Removes the element “Dog” from the set animals.
  • Prints the updated set without “Dog”.

5. Checking Membership

What is Checking Membership?

Checking membership determines if an element exists in a set.


if numbers.contains(10)

Detailed Explanation

  • Use the contains method to check if a value exists in the set.
  • Returns true if the value is found, otherwise false.


let cities: Set<String> = [“London”, “Paris”, “New York”]

if cities.contains(“Paris”) {

    print(“Paris is in the set.”)


Example Explanation

  • Checks if “Paris” exists in the set cities.
  • Prints a confirmation message if the value is found.

6. Set Operations

What are Set Operations?

Set operations perform mathematical set operations like union, intersection, and difference.


let unionSet = setA.union(setB)

Detailed Explanation

  • union: Combines elements from both sets, excluding duplicates.
  • intersection: Retains only the common elements between two sets.
  • subtracting: Removes elements of one set from another.
  • symmetricDifference: Retains elements that are in either set but not both.


let setA: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3]

let setB: Set<Int> = [3, 4, 5]

print(setA.union(setB)) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print(setA.intersection(setB)) // [3]

print(setA.subtracting(setB)) // [1, 2]

Example Explanation

  • Demonstrates union, intersection, and subtraction operations.
  • Prints the resulting sets for each operation.

Real-Life Project: Unique Voter List

Project Goal

Develop a program to manage a list of unique voters using sets.

Code for This Project

struct VoterList {

    var voters: Set<String>

    mutating func registerVoter(name: String) {

        if voters.insert(name).inserted {

            print("\(name) successfully registered.")

        } else {

            print("\(name) is already registered.")



    func displayVoters() {

        print("Registered voters: \(voters)")



var voterList = VoterList(voters: [])

voterList.registerVoter(name: "Alice")

voterList.registerVoter(name: "Bob")

voterList.registerVoter(name: "Alice")



  1. Define a VoterList struct with a voters set property.
  2. Implement methods to register voters and display the list.
  3. Test the program with sample voter names.

Save and Run

Steps to Save and Run

  1. Write the code in your Swift IDE (e.g., Xcode).
  2. Save the file using Command + S (Mac) or the appropriate save command.
  3. Click “Run” or press Command + R to execute the program.


  • Demonstrates practical use of sets.
  • Validates unique data storage and lookup.
  • Provides immediate feedback for set operations.

Best Practices

Why Use Sets?

  • Efficiently manage unique elements.
  • Simplify membership tests and comparisons.
  • Enable mathematical set operations.

Key Recommendations

  • Use let for fixed sets and var for dynamic sets.
  • Leverage set operations for efficient data manipulation.
  • Ensure elements conform to the Hashable protocol.

Example of Best Practices

var attendees: Set<String> = [“Alice”, “Bob”]





Sets in Swift are powerful tools for managing unique and unordered data. Their performance and flexibility make them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Sets store unique, unordered elements.
  • Use methods like insert, remove, and contains for set management.
  • Perform advanced operations with union, intersection, and difference.