Swift Variables

This chapter introduces variables in Swift, a critical aspect of managing data in applications. Variables in Swift are strongly typed, meaning their type must be defined or inferred at the time of declaration. Understanding the types, scope, and conventions for variables is fundamental to writing efficient and readable Swift code.

Chapter Goals

  • Understand the purpose of variables in Swift.
  • Learn about Swift variable types and declaration styles.
  • Explore variable scopes and constants.
  • Implement best practices for variable usage in Swift programs.

Key Characteristics of Swift Variables

  • Type-Safe: Swift is a type-safe language, so variables must hold the correct data type.
  • Type Inference: Swift can infer the type of a variable based on its assigned value.
  • Immutable by Default: Constants are preferred for values that do not change.
  • Scope-Based: Scope determines the accessibility of variables.

Basic Rules for Swift Variables

  • Variables must be initialized before use.
  • Use descriptive names for clarity and readability.
  • Constants (let) should be used whenever possible to prevent unintended changes.
  • Variables and constants are case-sensitive.

Best Practices

  • Use meaningful and descriptive names.
  • Prefer let over var to encourage immutability.
  • Group related variables for better organization.
  • Follow Swift’s camelCase naming convention for variables and constants.
  • Avoid using global variables; encapsulate data within appropriate scopes.

Syntax Table

Serial No Variable Type Syntax/Example Description
1 Variable var age: Int = 25 Holds a mutable value that can be changed.
2 Constant let name: String = “Alice” Holds an immutable value that cannot change.
3 Type Inference let score = 100 Swift infers the type from the assigned value.
4 Optional var nickname: String? Can hold a value or nil.
5 Computed Property var fullName: String Calculates a value dynamically when accessed.
6 Lazy Variable lazy var data = […] Initializes only when accessed.

Syntax Explanation

1. Variable

What is a Variable?

Variables in Swift are used to store values that may change during the program’s execution. They are declared with the var keyword.


var age: Int = 25

Detailed Explanation

  • Declared with the var keyword.
  • Must specify the type or let Swift infer it.
  • Can be reassigned new values as needed.
  • Used for storing and manipulating data that changes over time.


var age = 25

age += 1

print(“Age: \(age)”)

Example Explanation

  • Assigns 25 to age.
  • Increments age by 1.
  • Outputs “Age: 26” using string interpolation.

2. Constant

What is a Constant?

Constants hold values that do not change during program execution. They are declared with the let keyword.


let name: String = “Alice”

Detailed Explanation

  • Declared with the let keyword.
  • Must be initialized at the time of declaration.
  • Cannot be reassigned a new value.


let name = “Alice”

print(“Name: \(name)”)

Example Explanation

  • Assigns “Alice” to name.
  • Outputs “Name: Alice”.
  • Demonstrates immutability by preventing reassignment.

3. Type Inference

Swift’s ability to infer the type of a variable simplifies code by reducing redundancy. When a variable or constant is assigned a value, Swift deduces its type from the assigned data.


let score = 100  // Swift infers the type as Int

4. Optional

What is an Optional?

An optional in Swift is a type that can hold a value or nil, representing the absence of a value. Optionals are declared by appending a ? to the type.


var nickname: String?

Detailed Explanation

  • Optionals provide safety by requiring unwrapping before use.
  • Can be safely accessed using optional binding (if let) or force unwrapped (!).


var nickname: String? = nil

nickname = “Swiftie”

if let validNickname = nickname {

    print(“Nickname: \(validNickname)”)


Example Explanation

  • Initializes nickname with nil.
  • Assigns a value later.
  • Safely unwraps and prints nickname.

5. Computed Property

What is a Computed Property?

A computed property calculates its value dynamically, based on other properties or logic. These are declared using var with a getter, and optionally a setter.


var fullName: String {

    return firstName + ” ” + lastName


Detailed Explanation

  • Does not store a value directly.
  • Allows the encapsulation of logic for derived values.


struct Person {

    var firstName: String

    var lastName: String


    var fullName: String {

        return firstName + ” ” + lastName




let person = Person(firstName: “John”, lastName: “Doe”)

print(“Full Name: \(person.fullName)”)

Example Explanation

  • Combines firstName and lastName to derive fullName.
  • Outputs “Full Name: John Doe”.

6. Lazy Variable

What is a Lazy Variable?

Lazy variables in Swift are variables whose initialization is deferred until they are accessed for the first time. They are declared using the lazy keyword.


lazy var largeDataSet: [Int] = {

    return Array(1…1000000)


Detailed Explanation

  • Declared with the lazy keyword.
  • Useful for properties that require significant resources to initialize.
  • The initializer is executed only when the variable is accessed.
  • Must always be a var, not a let, since its value is set during runtime.


class DataLoader {

    lazy var data: [String] = {

        print(“Loading data…”)

        return [“Data1”, “Data2”, “Data3”]




let loader = DataLoader()

print(“DataLoader initialized.”)

print(loader.data)  // Triggers the lazy initialization

Example Explanation

  • Declares a lazy property data in the DataLoader class.
  • The message “Loading data…” is printed only when loader.data is accessed.
  • Demonstrates efficient resource management using lazy initialization.

Real-Life Project: Banking Application

Project Goal

Develop a simple banking application to manage account balances using Swift variables and constants.

Code for This Project

class BankAccount {

    let accountNumber: String

    var balance: Double

    init(accountNumber: String, initialBalance: Double) {

        self.accountNumber = accountNumber

        self.balance = initialBalance


    func deposit(amount: Double) {

        balance += amount


    func withdraw(amount: Double) {

        if amount <= balance {

            balance -= amount

        } else {

            print("Insufficient funds")



    func displayBalance() {

        print("Account \(accountNumber): Balance = $\(balance)")



let myAccount = BankAccount(accountNumber: "12345", initialBalance: 500.0)

myAccount.deposit(amount: 200.0)

myAccount.withdraw(amount: 100.0)



  1. Define a class BankAccount with an accountNumber constant and a balance variable.
  2. Create methods for depositing, withdrawing, and displaying the balance.
  3. Instantiate an account and perform operations to demonstrate variable usage.

Expected Output

Account 12345: Balance = $600.0

Project Explanation

  • Demonstrates the use of constants and variables in Swift.
  • Encapsulates data within a class.
  • Applies best practices for mutability and immutability.


Swift variables and constants offer clarity and safety through type enforcement and immutability. Understanding their usage and scope ensures robust and maintainable code.

Key Takeaways

  • Use let for values that do not change and var for those that do.
  • Leverage Swift’s type inference for concise code.
  • Organize variables based on their scope and purpose.
  • Prioritize immutability to enhance code reliability.
  • Adopt Swift naming conventions for consistency.