Reading LDR Values on Raspberry Pi

When working on projects with the Raspberry Pi, one common challenge is handling analog sensors like the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). The Raspberry Pi doesn’t have built-in analog pins to read these sensors directly. However, with an MCP3008 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), we can easily achieve Reading LDR Values on Raspberry Pi.

In this project, you’ll learn how to set up an LDR with an MCP3008 on your Raspberry Pi to measure light levels. This project is beginner-friendly and provides a simple way to get started with analog sensors.

Purpose of the Project 

The purpose of this project is to teach beginners how to read LDR values using an MCP3008 ADC on a Raspberry Pi. You will learn how to integrate analog sensors with the Pi and monitor light intensity through the MCP3008, making it an excellent starting point for exploring IoT applications.

Data Types and Variable Table for Reading LDR Values on Raspberry Pi 

Variable Name Data Type Description
LDR_PIN Integer The MCP3008 channel where the LDR is connected
ldr_value Integer Stores the digital reading of the LDR value
light_level Float The calculated light intensity from the LDR readings

Syntax Table for the Project 

Topic Syntax Simple Example
SPI Initialization mcp = MCP3008(SPI) mcp = MCP3008(SPI.SpiDev(0, 0))
ADC Channel Reading mcp.read_adc(channel) ldr_value = mcp.read_adc(0)
Print Value print(f”text: {variable}”) print(f”LDR Value: {ldr_value}”)
Sleep Function time.sleep(seconds) time.sleep(1)

Required Components 

To complete the Reading LDR Values on Raspberry Pi project, you will need:

  • Raspberry Pi (any model)
  • MCP3008 (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
  • 10kΩ Resistor
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard

Circuit Diagram and Connection 

Connect the MCP3008 ADC to your Raspberry Pi and wire the LDR using a simple voltage divider circuit with the 10kΩ resistor.

Circuit Connection Table for Reading LDR Values 

Component Raspberry Pi Pin MCP3008 Pin Additional Notes
LDR Channel 0 (CH0) Connect in series with the 10kΩ resistor
MCP3008 Pin 1 (VDD) 3.3V (Pin 1) Power the MCP3008 from the Raspberry Pi’s 3.3V rail
MCP3008 Pin 2 (VREF) 3.3V (Pin 1) Reference voltage
MCP3008 Pin 3 (AGND) GND (Pin 6) Ground for the analog circuits
MCP3008 Pin 8 (DGND) GND (Pin 6) Ground for digital circuits
MCP3008 Pin 7 (CS/SHDN) GPIO8 (Pin 24) Connect to the Chip Select pin


  • Always double-check your connections before powering the circuit.
  • Ensure the MCP3008 is properly grounded, or it may provide inaccurate readings.
  • Avoid exposing the LDR to intense light sources for extended periods, as it may affect sensor longevity.

Circuit Analysis for Reading LDR Values 

The LDR acts as a variable resistor that changes its resistance based on the light intensity. With the MCP3008 ADC, the varying voltage from the LDR is converted into a digital value that can be read by the Raspberry Pi. The resulting output can be used to monitor light levels in your environment or control other devices based on ambient light.

Installing Required Libraries 

To interact with the MCP3008 on your Raspberry Pi, you need to install the required libraries. Run the following command to install the CircuitPython library:

sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mcp3xxx

Writing the Code Using Python 

Below is the Python code to read LDR values from the MCP3008:

import time

import Adafruit_GPIO.SPI as SPI

import Adafruit_MCP3008


# MCP3008 Setup



mcp = Adafruit_MCP3008.MCP3008(spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE))


# LDR connected to CH0




    while True:

        # Read the LDR value

        ldr_value = mcp.read_adc(LDR_PIN)


        # Print the LDR value

        print(f”LDR Value: {ldr_value}”)




except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print(“Program stopped”)


Explanation of the Code 

  • SPI Setup: The SPI interface is initialized to communicate with the MCP3008.
  • Reading LDR Value: The mcp.read_adc() function reads the analog signal from the LDR connected to channel 0 (CH0).
  • Print the Output: The LDR value is printed continuously every second, which shows the light intensity levels in real-time.

Running the Code and Checking Output 

  1. Save the code as

Run it using:

  1. Check the terminal output to see the LDR readings reflecting changes in light intensity.

Expanding the Project 

Once you’ve successfully read the LDR values on your Raspberry Pi, you can expand the project by:

  • Automating actions based on light levels, such as turning on a light when it gets dark.
  • Logging light intensity data to a file or database for further analysis.

Common Problems and Solutions 

  • Problem: No output or incorrect values.
    • Solution: Double-check the wiring, especially the SPI connections between the Raspberry Pi and MCP3008.
  • Problem: LDR values fluctuating rapidly.
    • Solution: Try adding a capacitor (e.g., 0.1 µF) in parallel with the LDR to stabilize the readings.


Q1: Can I use more than one LDR with MCP3008?
A1: Yes, the MCP3008 has 8 analog channels, so you can connect up to 8 LDRs or other analog sensors.

Q2: How does an LDR work with MCP3008?
A2: The LDR acts as a variable resistor, changing resistance based on light intensity. The MCP3008 converts the varying voltage into a digital value that the Raspberry Pi can read.


In this project, you learned how to integrate an MCP3008 ADC with a Raspberry Pi to read analog signals from an LDR. This allows you to monitor light intensity and further explore other analog sensors, enabling a wide range of IoT and automation projects. By mastering Reading LDR Values on Raspberry Pi, you can apply this knowledge to more advanced Raspberry Pi projects involving sensors.